Wednesday, 20 July 2011

~ ~ this something R my chances, to become pregnant, if it happens un-breastfeeding?~~~~~can?

~ ~ this something R my chances, to become pregnant, if it happens un-breastfeeding?~~~~~can?

I now nursed 6 months long, and I didn\'t have still any period. I and my hubby are normally more careful and always use ouchßer of last night a condom. Opps.....

Do you believe that I could become pregnant? Has, each other became pregnant, während nursing?

from Amy W

Best answer chosen by Asker

There is a chance, that you could get pregnant, yes. The LAM-Methode to prevent pregnancy says this:

1. Her/its/their baby is fewer than six months old
2. Her/its/their menstrual periods are not yet to theückgekommen
3. Baby nurses on keyword, both day, & Night, and gets nothing but breastmilk or only symbolic quantities of other meal.

If these three matters happen, your chances are to be become pregnant, approximately 2 percent.

I became pregnant while I nursed, but I returned my period shortly after birth. If you want to prevent pregnancy, me, \'d schlägt before, to remain the using of those condoms.

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through becca Lynn Ja, it can definitely happen. I have two cousins, who made pregnant both, während I nursed! Only because another period has you didn\'t, you don\'t think, thereß you doesn\'t ovulate. SieSie könnten at every time, that thinks, that you could become pregnant) ovulates technically and then begins you your period, as you ovulate before your period (that is the beginning of the whole cycle). your chances to be pregnant are low at the moment, but there is this chance....

Christmaslichter Ach loves you durchdurch can, you don\'t think since it, that happens somebody else didnt him/it, jargon happens to you, is on to the egg, if his/its gonna falls, and you don\'t know no matter, you which science use when one is located available there.

through? do you love? You/they können it now any month with 6 months gets, and you don\'t know, when a period to expect to know, is, when you will therefore ovulate at this point, you don\'t eat around. You/they are likely, pregnant to become postpartum-Fleck after the 6 months.

through * Laura * Breastfeeding doesn\'t prevent any pregnancy. Brands it a small less likely,but doesn\'t prevents it from any means,even, if you don\'t have any cycle. I found this of a book, that gave me my Dr., out, as found out me i, was pregnant


Book, that gave to her/it Dr. me,

through ANT, the real point is not to be brought itself/themselves into this position, that is what you must recognize. You/they gotta weiß, that all tricks like, for example, if a Frau\'s on top cannot become she/it pregnant. Es\'s only seriousness.

from Bruce\'s S yes, you can!
I have aunts, who are only over one year apart, Sept.of\'s 42 and Dec of 43,
and i is quite sure, that my grandmother nursed.
That is an aged wife the story


see above

from Mumof5, you can become definitely pregnant while you nurse. Much less however, the chances are, es\'s Naturen-Formular of the birth control für mothers for young babies.

through sunshine, MY MOMMY did! My brother is 11 months older than I!! I dont knows from the period question, that I hear, you can ovulate without a period, thought, Google-Ovulation without a period.

from Nickelod.... YES. they can.
I got pregnant nursing.
But however, I had c-Teile.
Be surer. You/they need a method of the protection!!!!!!

through dadnbob yes, it can happen. IchIch had a friend, that a baby, breast ernährte, in January another then in October of the same year had!!!!

from Koyve I dont really understands which asking youre, but why is not sure and gets only one pregnancy examination?

from Sammiche... you could still become pregnant

from Nadia u could.

Zoloft and nursing?

Zoloft and nursing?

Wants, he/it takes Zoloft, during pregnant decrease my milk supply?

Additional details

the reason is, that I ask, because my doctor gave to me zoloft for my depression and my right after birth,... I didn\'t do, however, you take it because I am big on not taking matters while my baby nurses. I fühle that more badly my depression and miracle becomes, if takes shouldn\'t I... so is this, why I ask,...


until nurse autumn Intactivist NFP

Best answer chosen by Asker

I nurse and take Zoloft presently. It is sure, there, To take ß, and me a big milk supply has. I wit proposes ürde that you take it. THESE STUFF WORKS! If you become glad, you will begin to understand, like unglücklich you real was. Nobody should live this way. I remember, thereß, before I was on it, I only no sense of living saw, and I hated myself. Then, I started to take Zoloft and it was similarly, that the clouds opened, and the sun came through. I was SO glad. I love my son more than something. , I was pregnant as I put on him/it and me didn, \'t fühlt itself like it, that I would be capable to love my son, is wonderful lives, and I can now see this. Trust me, your child hätte MUCH rather a glad mommy, and if his/its safe...
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IchIch really likes know this answer, because it brings me to feeling like this person, about what I talk and seem in the, to be postition, resembles,... thanks
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from bird Flippin\'s, that won\'t decrease It at all your milk supply. ICH\'ve takes Zoloft since before idea and right through pregnancy. I now don\'t have any baby blues a healthy baby boy,and. If of SieWiedergefühl depressed, speech to somebody, but doesn\'t provide about the medication, that gets into your breast milk. Some is gotten through it, but sufficiently not, to harm your baby. Es\'s completely normally, itself at the moment a bi, To feel ßchen blue.

through ctknight... at the moment will propose many pediatricians that a mama reception Zoloft right to nursing, or if they know, that her/its/their baby will sleep for a long period. Do be based on it can help ich\'t ouchßer miracles, if exclusively it could also be worth to consider to pump instead of working as a nurse.



/ baby/bbrea.

That the Fewest concerning the question is through n kateus, if NOW you pregnant and the taking of it is,:
Maybe "SSRI-Antidepressiva cause serious or life-threatening lung problems with newborn babies, whose mothers take the medication during the pregnancy. But maybe you have a Rückfall the depression, if you stop to take your antidepressant during the pregnancy. If you plan a pregnancy, or if you become pregnant, während you Zoloft takes, you don\'t stop to without first speak the medication with your doctor to take."

BTW, when getting from as much silence as realistically possible, the daily generous quantity of water drinks, and as few Mißbelastung so possibly are a formula for it to be helped to keep good milk supply. Her/its/their Zoloft taken proposed so previously, after baby, after a F,ütterung, came, is sensible.

I hope and trust that your doctor knows both about your circumstances,; knows your OB/GYN, that you now take Zoloft, or does your DO/MD know that you now are pregnant? Only a bißchen worried here...


Retired OB-Krankenschwester and:

through the mommy of chase, prior comments are very disloyal for universe. This (Str)doctors Ihr are best means ömung, not retired. I took Zoloft während pregnant and also, while nursing, and it absolutely didn\'t have any effect on my son. I checked with my OB/GYN, after, to stop Zoloft, tries, because I was worried about possible effects on the fetus, and Zoloft then needed the whole time, that was I pregnant, with the lactation advisors of Meriter (fantastic girls!), as it time to start to nurse, came, and also with Dr. Eglash near UW-Mt. HorebHoreb, that in the höchst percentage the lactation advisor of the NATION is assessed! many studies was done within the last few years, about itself too entschließen, how much is handed over by the Zoloft of the milk, and the concentration quantity was untraceble. My OB/GYN also said, thereß the fetus for a much healthier life was earned, in that one was on Zoloft, because I didn\'t suffer from depression.

, In order not to mention, maybe that it is a MUCH better possibility, as the damage a hormanal-Frau, that suffers from depression, is capable from it. None of us, that were who, know there, how badly it can be, and you place auf\'t recognizes, how badly it was, until you get help, and is better. The best from Glück!

through poohb287.... It should not decrease your milk supply, but you notice that your baby is a little more lethargic as others baby. This is fine, I took Lexapro, w,ährend I nursed, however, I would double check with your doctor.

Why is it that now I still with 5am, predatorily hungrily holding has wake up 2 months long??

Why is it that now I still with 5am, predatorily hungrily holding has wake up 2 months long??

I would become really hungry as I was pregnant, no brainer there. Then während the silence, I would wake up and as you eat a small thing with 5am, because I would be so hungry that falls asleep couldn\'t I back. It seems similarly, that this trend still continues. As I educate my Körper about???

through Andrea b

Best answer chosen by voters

I was closed a baby only two months and i also breasfeed also and iam that does the same matter, that late eats with night and is not capable, to sleep,... i-Gefühl you lol 100 percent 1 election save to! ! RSS

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vonvon DONANATE... it seems, that you developed a habit, to which your body adapted itself, so that you should eat a peice of the fruit, or something ignites before you are in order to stop those desires in the morning early to sleep.

Troubled over the sensation of nursing? I is the single?

Troubled over the sensation of nursing? I is the single?

I am pregnant with my first child. I am exact Profibrustfütterung and wants for him/it my the best shot, but i, did \'m give-worry about the sensation of it?

All say how of course and wonderfully it is, sorrowfully, to be raw, but how I am sure, am, the case with the most first time mothers the single experience i, had, is sexual, is not he/it sensation i is interested for feeling, during nourishing my child!

Still somebody has these worries, I feel a freak, you, i is the single!

from Cindy; Mommy to 3 monkeys!

Best answer chosen by Asker

it now feels strange, but as soon as the baby arrives on this whole other personality of her/its/their own lol your boob reception. The nippples costs sensation a quantity of the time, and I know some people, that normally extremely sensitive nipples have, but they are totally different and desensitizes "nursing from beginnings once. AmAm beginning können she/it has be pains a beautiful little with it definately a more sexually feeling lol

Is not strange to think this way, you definately is not the single and familiar becomes for me, as soon as you begin, to nurse you, him/it not even a second thought gives.
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Thank for your advice: D
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from KC, you definitely are none hun for freak!

The thought of it, fullstop to quiet, to be strange, honest for me, was. But, i\'m that still does old daughter my almost 21 months that 12 ZSähne has, as a nurse,;))

Her/its/their feelings are normal, whether or doesn\'t like to admit mothers it! As you placed your baby to the breast for the first time, him/it, \'ll-Gefühl strangely, but it won\'t feel sexually into the easiest.

from Allii Dont, you worry that the feelings are way of it differently, if your feeding your child and if your partner uses em for other reasons! lol
should go a beautiful matter and you for it!
only you know that it will be the first couple of the times painfully. guarantee only your doing of it, you ask the nurses correctly for help with the hosptal, and you should go do it well!



from Emma P, I thought also about it while i was pregnant besides seriuosly, that the last matter, that comes into your sense, is somewhat sexually, while they nourished your baby. i felt of only property, thereß i my baby the best beginning in lives gave.

from Andreaa?Jacksons-Mama, I thought about it previously, but now, that I had my son, and I am breast feeding, that thought doesn\'t come into your sense. Brustfthe best matter, that you can do, is I ütterung to give him/it at least a shot proposes STRONGLY.

from Ethan\'s mute i never has thought over these tbh lol

through debbie, It is very natural and normal to think this, before you your 1. has. Baby.
You/they are not alone and not a freak!!!

It is a completely different sensation, as that, during the sex.
And it comes really not into your sense.

Give him/it a good going and if you continue with it, then big.
But if you don\'t like it, that is your election and you, mus doesn\'t feel guilty about it.
Guarantee, that you get much help, if you have your baby, therefore you learn how baby is to be clicked shut right on it. So, you place auf\'t becomes sore.
Calendular-Sahne is good to have on substitute.
After day, 3 or 4 your milk enters, and you begin to feel more comfortable.
At this time, you only live and feed.
Guarantee, on your lap, that you and a few pillows are loosened, helps you and baby to become more comfortable.
Guarantee that you drink loads of water and silence if baby sleeps.
This is a luxury, that you with your 1. has!
If you are become saturated at all, then, cabbage goes into your BRA, you really work!
It extracts the heat from your boobs and cooks "the cabbage.
Also, brand certainly you air dries your nipples after a feed. And remain your nipples as it, you dry as möglich with blocks.
If your nipples become really sore, then, there are nipple signs.
There should not be, you any pumps, not untill that you want somebody the baby other, to nourish.
You/they never can as much as it to nourish your baby only, pumps.
However, you/they can freeze breast milk.

Remember that it is demand and supply.
The more you live, the more you produce.
If you have, every supply spends, Fenugreek can help.



4 CHILDREN. Nursed 13 months.

Zoloft and nursing?

Zoloft and nursing?

Wants, he/it takes Zoloft, during pregnant decrease my milk supply?

Additional details

the reason is, that I ask, because my doctor gave to me zoloft for my depression and my right after birth,... I didn\'t do, however, you take it because I am big on not taking matters while my baby nurses. I fühle that more badly my depression and miracle becomes, if takes shouldn\'t I... so is this, why I ask,...


until nurse autumn Intactivist NFP

Best answer chosen by Asker

I nurse and take Zoloft presently. It is sure, there, To take ß, and me a big milk supply has. I wit proposes ürde that you take it. THESE STUFF WORKS! If you become glad, you will begin to understand, like unglücklich you real was. Nobody should live this way. I remember, thereß, before I was on it, I only no sense of living saw, and I hated myself. Then, I started to take Zoloft and it was similarly, that the clouds opened, and the sun came through. I was SO glad. I love my son more than something. , I was pregnant as I put on him/it and me didn, \'t fühlt itself like it, that I would be capable to love my son, is wonderful lives, and I can now see this. Trust me, your child hätte MUCH rather a glad mommy, and if his/its safe...
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IchIch really likes know this answer, because it brings me to feeling like this person, about what I talk and seem in the, to be postition, resembles,... thanks
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Other Answers (5)

from bird Flippin\'s, that won\'t decrease It at all your milk supply. ICH\'ve takes Zoloft since before idea and right through pregnancy. I now don\'t have any baby blues a healthy baby boy,and. If of SieWiedergefühl depressed, speech to somebody, but doesn\'t provide about the medication, that gets into your breast milk. Some is gotten through it, but sufficiently not, to harm your baby. Es\'s completely normally, itself at the moment a bi, To feel ßchen blue.

through ctknight... at the moment will propose many pediatricians that a mama reception Zoloft right to nursing, or if they know, that her/its/their baby will sleep for a long period. Do be based on it can help ich\'t ouchßer miracles, if exclusively it could also be worth to consider to pump instead of working as a nurse.



/ baby/bbrea.

That the Fewest concerning the question is through n kateus, if NOW you pregnant and the taking of it is,:
Maybe "SSRI-Antidepressiva cause serious or life-threatening lung problems with newborn babies, whose mothers take the medication during the pregnancy. But maybe you have a Rückfall the depression, if you stop to take your antidepressant during the pregnancy. If you plan a pregnancy, or if you become pregnant, während you Zoloft takes, you don\'t stop to without first speak the medication with your doctor to take."

BTW, when getting from as much silence as realistically possible, the daily generous quantity of water drinks, and as few Mißbelastung so possibly are a formula for it to be helped to keep good milk supply. Her/its/their Zoloft taken proposed so previously, after baby, after a F,ütterung, came, is sensible.

I hope and trust that your doctor knows both about your circumstances,; knows your OB/GYN, that you now take Zoloft, or does your DO/MD know that you now are pregnant? Only a bißchen worried here...


Retired OB-Krankenschwester and:

through the mommy of chase, prior comments are very disloyal for universe. This (Str)doctors Ihr are best means ömung, not retired. I took Zoloft während pregnant and also, while nursing, and it absolutely didn\'t have any effect on my son. I checked with my OB/GYN, after, to stop Zoloft, tries, because I was worried about possible effects on the fetus, and Zoloft then needed the whole time, that was I pregnant, with the lactation advisors of Meriter (fantastic girls!), as it time to start to nurse, came, and also with Dr. Eglash near UW-Mt. HorebHoreb, that in the höchst percentage the lactation advisor of the NATION is assessed! many studies was done within the last few years, about itself too entschließen, how much is handed over by the Zoloft of the milk, and the concentration quantity was untraceble. My OB/GYN also said, thereß the fetus for a much healthier life was earned, in that one was on Zoloft, because I didn\'t suffer from depression.

, In order not to mention, maybe that it is a MUCH better possibility, as the damage a hormanal-Frau, that suffers from depression, is capable from it. None of us, that were who, know there, how badly it can be, and you place auf\'t recognizes, how badly it was, until you get help, and is better. The best from Glück!

through poohb287.... It should not decrease your milk supply, but you notice that your baby is a little more lethargic as others baby. This is fine, I took Lexapro, w,ährend I nursed, however, I would double check with your doctor.

Why no decent birth control possibilities for it to nurse mothers?

Why no decent birth control possibilities for it to nurse mothers?

I explored this topic for what seems, and was probablely, years. The pill is not effective, on me, and no one is the depo-Schuß. Women, who nurse, können not on the stain is or this "ring." I read myself over this new Mirena IUC, not an IUD, that is named this one IUC, places auf\'t wants an IUD because you make the single matter for this, a fertilized egg is to be hindered to be fortified, this is not better than the day! after pill, the Mirena web site is switched on debatable whether or no Mütter, to nurse, it can use. ICH\'m, he/it only is surprised, if everyone from there ernährt itself breast and has the Mirena IUC? Or if not, you only please answer if been you are/have on birth control während breast feeding, what for a Geburtenkontrollenmethoden-do/did that you use? , And places auf\'t says me, you können not pregnant becomes, while I nursed, I carry one concieved children presently, while I nursed, I intend to discuss this with my OB/GYN., but es\'s, therefore a bi, To increase ßchen early, and I see only at the moment in possibilities.

Additional details

O.K...., but you can go injustice with condems. Only, so that we are very clear from this point,: my first daughter was concieved, während I on the pill was. My second, as I was on depo. My third we used condems.


Thanks you O.K., because the answers however I already boasted that the pill and depo doesn\'t work, nursing is also no good birth control, ich\'m, the OTHERS occasion seeks.


I believe that some of you got the wrong idea. I am no teenager. I am married. I have a husband. All my children have the same father. It is schön, to know, that many assume you only matters. And no, I become no Lösung gets, and my husband neither becomes. Only, because we land, want \'t, thereß more children now doesn\'t think, that we don\'t make later. Honestly, I asked only a simple question for nursing Müttern and birth control, I didn\'t sees, how people could answer negatively to it that seemingly, but, where there is a will there a way! I wanted really exactly lol anyway to say that little of you, that whoever actually read my question, thank you you to those and actually then answered it with relevant information. Thanks:,


through doodlebu...

Best answer chosen by Asker

I am on Mirena, and I nursed the whole time successfully, my daughter is 8 mos. I absolutely love it. You/they now should talk to your OB/GYN. You/they können you much stuff, in order to see through it, gives so that you can make an informed decision, if the time comes. It has progesterone, therefore it isn\'t likes only the morning after pill. The Gewheads of tot he/it web site, this is as it works,:
* Seminal fluid of it, to be enough or to fertilize your egg,
* Brand the feed of your uterus thinly, maybe this results also in benefits like less menstrual bleeding over time,
* Holds you the release of your egg of your ovary at, but this is not the way, that it works in most cases,

It is only a regular birth control, and more effective than sterilization, and lasts it 5 years. It brings you also to it to have easier periods. This können Sie\'t is bad!


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This is the one, about which I talked. It calls the web site an IUC. Thank so very much. Save to! ! RSS

Other Answers (13)

through answer Schmancer, injustice cannot go with good old condoms...

BTW, it makes perfect sense to me. You/they ernheads your child of your body. You/they keverything placed önnen\'t into your body that you don\'t want, that your child consumes. I place auf\'t, that sees, what is the problem.

through mktk401 i, the depo-Schuß used while I was brfeastfeeding. Most of the worries are, thereß the component in birth contol the mother can reduce, \'s-Milch. I was glücklich that I this problem, but any can, didn\'t have. Check from all possibilities like you, does. I nurse no more, but I nevertheless shot at the Depo, and I love it. NO periods für me. Glück


Mommy of four

through ashley32... the small pill is wonderful... no side-effects and knows esrogin... only progestrin

through htowngir... i had the mirena-IUD, as i nursed. , i nursed successfully für 14 months, and it has a low dose of progesterone. my periods were very easy and Kurzschluß. it loves i!!. and your injustice... over the iud. there are not any fertilized eggs. it s your tubes.

through? Maria? wow, birth control is not simple on your side.

I am on alesse, and it is big, but I was on ortho tri cyclen, and it gave to me approximate dreadful side-effects on it some years.

I don\'t have any children although, so that seems alesse to work for me.

Therefore, you have your 4 at the moment. Child? Das\'s verrückt! On a good manner! I want 3 and if it wanted increase me so dearly wasn\'t.

Did you see into the stain? I weiß dort\'s all warnings of it however my friend was on it for years, and she/it is completely fine. Dort\'s also any new nature from it you placed into your givesärmutter. I saw the commercial daf recentlyür.

well you covered already all bases from Jessie P, do you not have you? There aren\'t any anständige possibilities. Siemuß \'ll condoms use, did you certainly develop a child maybe while you use her/it/them, but what is, the chances, that become again you?) das\'s what we used, and it worked simply well. I ließ my tubes after our 3. binds.

from Garylian Unfortunately, outside absitinance and condoms, you have really not much on the manner of the possibilities.

While I heard about women, who become pregnant, while I rarely frequently listened to the pill of women, who become pregnant, during on the Depo-Provera-Schuß. Your doctor was fähig, to tell you, why it wasn\'t effective? If it was because of antibiotics or other medications, you take, or you have a natürliche hormone imbalance, that keeps the Depo-Provera from preventing ovulation? Most women are unfähig, to introduce itself/themselves one full year long by a shot, not only it protects the 3 months againt.

As you noticed, nursing is the story of an old Wive\'s for it to prevent ovulation. Most women, that from it abhängen, is located pregnant.

I will say this: RatRat to the internet of people with no medical degrees asking and expressly will get you a specialty of OB/GYN all types of comments, that will lead to a likely end. You/they pregnant still again.

SieSie have a moral objection against the IUD, that is your election, and more power of you on it. This election leaves you maybe however alternative sexual activities, that land, with very few possibilities, that include condoms, \'t Scheidengesellschaftlichen contact with itself brings, Scheidengesellschaftlicher contact with menstrating or abstinance. Or, you können simply stops to nurse. But most of these are HER/ITS/THEIR election.

Abstinance should be a practicable possibility if you have a strong moral opinion about IUDs. Assumes you should husband für a while survives, until you can see the OB/GYN.

through mystic_e.... property personally believes I, that birth control is quite crappy pregnant, or not.

All hormonal methods carry serious risks, and as you boast, you don\'t work for some women.

Condoms, yes cheaply, effectively and annoyed.

Spermicide: must in before time is placed, and many women are allergic, this is foam, jelly, films and the sponge, these methods are I, that am said, how 75%ish effective ones, but similar, that they need progressed planning, that with it, that goes, isn\'t to happen with a baby. The sponge is more effective than the others only if Hafen\'t had you a baby then, who sucks it, like bad as well

through loves Zahn, sore breasts and unbelievable fatigue were very effective means of the birth control to me while I nursed. Sekundfundamental thermometer was är, old shaped, but it works

through finding_... I knows, that maybe this seems blunt or harsh, but did you consider to let bound your tubes, or your partner snipped? If you are made for having children after this, it should one Möglichkeit is. Natyou should ürlich your whether consults in order to see if there is any others late plan, that works for you maybe. I was on Alesse as I almost nursed my son two years long and didn\'t have any problems.

through his/its love, because there is not ANY form of the birth control, that interferes this doesnt with your body with the chemical balance. it muß itself mixes in, or it wouldnt is effective, you incapable, to hold, to introduce itself/themselves. ICH\'d says that you act content and Dr. with spermicideücken you your thumbs, but it isnt too effective. Maybe scientists become frarrives üher or late there. Both put the child on man, formula did so that you always use something können to which you want or sucks it only upward.

from SassySou... has you no sex. Or, is repaired. Easy Lösungen.

Because of his/its low class hid answer


Working with chemicals, while nursing,.. help?

Working with chemicals, while nursing,.. help?

I am an automotive painter. Während I pregnant was, that I stopped, it was dangerous to be painted, because my work and I felt obviosly. My husband weka full time and ich\'m because of going to theück too wrk. ICH\'m, that nurses our newborn, but now, I am concerned, thereß I resigns, will have to, because I want to nurse our baby one year long, but I don\'t want to use any chemicals with the work. Is there any way, that I can be in the habit of and cannot give up? Through Gesetzesdose, I go während this time wrking about?

from Danny

Best answer chosen by Asker

That is a good question about the color. ICH\'m not certainly, but I think, thereß it as it probably fine is, you yearn as it, has there, where you work, aired well.. finds a lactation advisor what I would advise, and discusses the matter with them. Unfortunately, I place auf\'t knows a way, thereß you capable would be, itself the work, to contain, while you still guarantee, that you still have a work. I think Sie\'wieder, you bet the best, is thereover however, to speak s/he with your employer, is not committed legally to offer more everything than the 12 weeks guaranteed by FMLA to you.


Check here in order to find a lactation advisor if you already don\'t have one,:)
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Her/its/their cycle after pregnancy, not nursing of women?

Her/its/their cycle after pregnancy, not nursing of women?

therefore... I still lands, my period has t. Had on the 3 Jan Baby of c-Teil, the normal Str hadömung with birth associates. I nursed für 2 months, that then are supplemented with formula. 2 got. April my first period, and harbor t had one since it. My husband and I used protection, and 5 Schwangerschaftsprüfung has, returned negitive, I know that however, I am a little concerned a small acsessive. I was on birthcontrol für 8 yr and became the 2. Month, that itself bemühte, pregnant, so that I have no idea this, as he/it is my normal cycle. Being surprised itself only, if this is normal, it takes a while to it you pull Fährte" back at? or something should do I?

through jenisill...

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go your doctor, sorrowfully, but that simply is what you should do. this probably is not anything. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

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Why are my nipples sore, and I am not pregnant or nurses?

Why are my nipples sore, and I am not pregnant or nurses?

My nipples (not the whole breast) are very sore and are for a while. You/they also seem größer, to become.

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I am only 20 so that I go through PMS or nothing,


through candi_k7

Best answer chosen by voters

Get a breast examination and do it as soon as possibly. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

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through Calvin and Hobbes pms maybe

you don\'t say about DVSLADY, how old you are, but pain is especially usual if you come to your peroid near. But the Größe the nipple, that becomes bigger, is one little strange. I believe, thereß you a doctor, in order to only certainly be, should consult.

through mcr_conc... is because original-boasts r that still grows, in order to grow, or begins, or maybe your cold

through bettyboo... could be, you have a yeast infection....

yes from Bel must be checked out u asap! is not any type of infection hopefully in. be careful and go original doc.

Troubled over the sensation of nursing? I is the single?

Troubled over the sensation of nursing? I is the single?

I am pregnant with my first child. I am exact Profibrustfütterung and wants for him/it my the best shot, but i, did \'m give-worry about the sensation of it?

All say how of course and wonderfully it is, sorrowfully, to be raw, but how I am sure, am, the case with the most first time mothers the single experience i, had, is sexual, is not he/it sensation i is interested for feeling, during nourishing my child!

Still somebody has these worries, I feel a freak, you, i is the single!

from Cindy; Mommy to 3 monkeys!

Best answer chosen by Asker

it now feels strange, but as soon as the baby arrives on this whole other personality of her/its/their own lol your boob reception. The nippples costs sensation a quantity of the time, and I know some people, that normally extremely sensitive nipples have, but they are totally different and desensitizes "nursing from beginnings once. AmAm beginning können she/it has be pains a beautiful little with it definately a more sexually feeling lol

Is not strange to think this way, you definately is not the single and familiar becomes for me, as soon as you begin, to nurse you, him/it not even a second thought gives.
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Thank for your advice: D
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from KC, you definitely are none hun for freak!

The thought of it, fullstop to quiet, to be strange, honest for me, was. But, i\'m that still does old daughter my almost 21 months that 12 ZSähne has, as a nurse,;))

Her/its/their feelings are normal, whether or doesn\'t like to admit mothers it! As you placed your baby to the breast for the first time, him/it, \'ll-Gefühl strangely, but it won\'t feel sexually into the easiest.

from Allii Dont, you worry that the feelings are way of it differently, if your feeding your child and if your partner uses em for other reasons! lol
should go a beautiful matter and you for it!
only you know that it will be the first couple of the times painfully. guarantee only your doing of it, you ask the nurses correctly for help with the hosptal, and you should go do it well!



from Emma P, I thought also about it while i was pregnant besides seriuosly, that the last matter, that comes into your sense, is somewhat sexually, while they nourished your baby. i felt of only property, thereß i my baby the best beginning in lives gave.

from Andreaa?Jacksons-Mama, I thought about it previously, but now, that I had my son, and I am breast feeding, that thought doesn\'t come into your sense. Brustfthe best matter, that you can do, is I ütterung to give him/it at least a shot proposes STRONGLY.

from Ethan\'s mute i never has thought over these tbh lol

through debbie, It is very natural and normal to think this, before you your 1. has. Baby.
You/they are not alone and not a freak!!!

It is a completely different sensation, as that, during the sex.
And it comes really not into your sense.

Give him/it a good going and if you continue with it, then big.
But if you don\'t like it, that is your election and you, mus doesn\'t feel guilty about it.
Guarantee, that you get much help, if you have your baby, therefore you learn how baby is to be clicked shut right on it. So, you place auf\'t becomes sore.
Calendular-Sahne is good to have on substitute.
After day, 3 or 4 your milk enters, and you begin to feel more comfortable.
At this time, you only live and feed.
Guarantee, on your lap, that you and a few pillows are loosened, helps you and baby to become more comfortable.
Guarantee that you drink loads of water and silence if baby sleeps.
This is a luxury, that you with your 1. has!
If you are become saturated at all, then, cabbage goes into your BRA, you really work!
It extracts the heat from your boobs and cooks "the cabbage.
Also, brand certainly you air dries your nipples after a feed. And remain your nipples as it, you dry as möglich with blocks.
If your nipples become really sore, then, there are nipple signs.
There should not be, you any pumps, not untill that you want somebody the baby other, to nourish.
You/they never can as much as it to nourish your baby only, pumps.
However, you/they can freeze breast milk.

Remember that it is demand and supply.
The more you live, the more you produce.
If you have, every supply spends, Fenugreek can help.



4 CHILDREN. Nursed 13 months.

Why am I now late that I gave up nursing?

Why am I now late that I gave up nursing?

I had my daughter in September 08, my normal periods continued approximately 2 mos. postpartum glättet, WHILE they nurse exclusively each 2hrs, my daughter is almost 7 mos old. (I had determine resigned silence for treatments. I am spät now a couple days, that only happen, if ich\'m pregnant. If I brought 4 Prüfungen to the last few days and them all the opinion negation over... is it normally for your period, that should be built dung, if you stop to nurse,... i knows, during your quiet from it out can be???? HELP

through tru_blu

Best answer chosen by voters

don\'t emphasize it, i then nursed 20 months i had an easy period, as she/it was old approximately 6 months, but then, nothing smooths until she/it was old one year, now, that she/it is old 23 months, sometimes, that my periods still are irregular, can be i, 10 days late hormones does our bodies displaced matters of weight gain/loss at, acne to hesitated or missing periods, and these are not only the regular hormones even for pregnancy hormones! 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

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Wants, he/it nurses my 1 year old decrease my chances to fall pregnant?

Wants, he/it nurses my 1 year old decrease my chances to fall pregnant?

My daughter turned only 1, and she/it still nurses, but also on cows, you milk some of the time. I, the dont wants, this she/it on Kühen forced, still milks completly and is quite glad to continue to nurse longer for a while. I and my partner decided recently, thereß we, to trouble about itself about baby, wants to number you in two. I now have für 3 months, that my chances want besides the nursing decrease, regular periods get?
If I get, do regular periods of nursing brand want a difference?

through peanut butter

Best answer chosen by Asker

It will reduce your likelihod to develop some, but if you are one year of postpartum and you, had already several normal periods, it probably doesn\'t reduce it through much. I imagined again and again, während I nursed. I imagined, as baby #1 14 months and working once or twice per day still as a nurse was. As baby was #2 3 times per day 14 months and care. As baby was #3 2 times per day 14 months and care. As baby was #4 3 times per day 10 months and care. Therefore, you continue to nurse your baby. It won\'t do, thereß much of a difference in fertility, and it is the best for your baby. The most probably, you will introduce yourself to several months within him/it after it.
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Thanks to thats, that really encourages. I dont wants resigned silence and is glad, difficult to remain, während working as a nurse,
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This question about "want "he/it m. nurses" was asked on it originally! Answers New Zealand

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through purrkill, Breastfeeding can hinder you to become pregnant, but only, if you nourish your baby every 2/4 hours, and they get a full feed. Also before your periods to theückkommen, you still have a 10 percent of chance to fall pregnant while you nurse. As Sie\'ve nurses one year long and then has reguläre periods, that so before your chances to become pregnant, this resembling is.

through cathrl69 yes..., but not very much so.

If you fall as fast as possible really pregnant and want to maximize your fertility absolutely, the way, to do, this would be to be stopped to be nursed. If you aren\'t, that thereover involved, how it happens soon, continues, with which silence to go, until you are willing to hold.

It sounds dizzy until no more as if it won\'t make any difference in you. I place auf\'t believes, thereß you your chances will decrease. But maybe your milk dries up if you introduce yourself again, so that you ready his/its müßten, to stop, to nurse, if this happened.

it was told about Jemma i to stop to feed i once, wanted another, or it would be difficult for me, another, to have one. Like a Sattelschlepperverh dealsütungsmittel

Why am I now late that I gave up nursing?

Why am I now late that I gave up nursing?

I had my daughter in September 08, my normal periods continued approximately 2 mos. postpartum glättet, WHILE they nurse exclusively each 2hrs, my daughter is almost 7 mos old. (I had determine resigned silence for treatments. I am spät now a couple days, that only happen, if ich\'m pregnant. If I brought 4 Prüfungen to the last few days and them all the opinion negation over... is it normally for your period, that should be built dung, if you stop to nurse,... i knows, during your quiet from it out can be???? HELP

through tru_blu

Best answer chosen by voters

don\'t emphasize it, i then nursed 20 months i had an easy period, as she/it was old approximately 6 months, but then, nothing smooths until she/it was old one year, now, that she/it is old 23 months, sometimes, that my periods still are irregular, can be i, 10 days late hormones does our bodies displaced matters of weight gain/loss at, acne to hesitated or missing periods, and these are not only the regular hormones even for pregnancy hormones! 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

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Will a pregnancy test softness a wrong positive while they nurse?

Will a pregnancy test softness a wrong positive while they nurse?

i nurses and i believes that is i pregnant. is, a home prüft now reliable?

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My baby boy now is 5 months old


from Betsy

Best answer chosen by Asker

Didn\'t nurse as reliably as you. Only HCG can become a positive one, and this hormone has nothign, with which to do silence.


25 weeks pregnant AND nursing presently from 16 months old
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Thanks to a quantity!!! I took the examination, and it was negative.....
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through momof3bo... a HPT still would be reliably if positive. There are wronger negations than positive because they show positively if you have HCG in your system. The nursing of doesn\'t gives you HCG in your system.

from Gavinand.... YES it will be reliable!!!!!!! breast feeding won\'t have any effect at a pregnancy examination!!!!!

through jmminnc, I hear your having "Irish twins."

Irish Irish twins = in the same year as well to the same mommy of born two children.

through futurete.... yes, it becomes.

through serenity.... a pregnancy examination will show exact results regardless of lactation. DasDas of these Prüfungen measured hormone is produced no more of your body of the moment, that the placenta will acquit with your birthing experience.

I also became pregnate while I still nursed my second child, LOL!
Any further advice, that I would give, is this: If you discover indeed that your is pregnant, that it would be advisable to disaccustom the baby fast. Nursing of causes contractions [helping of you, after baby in form to theückzukommen and heals correctly] But these can cause very same contractions miscarraige to an again growing fetus.
If the baby still is really small, maybe you disaccustom sooner than one cup to one bottle.

Oh, wow!

Be successful to you on this adventure!

through jojo-m well if original breast feedin, as still original grace period child really young and theres an amout of the time after a baby\'s credit is, that a while can do no pregant u for it, so that i doubts original pregannt u problrey only this matter has, where original really depressed, after he/it had a child.

from AMIEE B Ihr nursing accustomed emotion of the HPT... i nursed mine, and i found out i, was pregnant, as he/it was a HPT 6 months old and i toke,.. and well now un pregnant 6 months at..



through anne_dee.... no, it won\'t induce to be wrongly positive. Whether you produce breast milk or are not irrelevant. If you are positively es\'s pregnant.

through nrsldy04, a home examination definitely is reliable. nursing won\'t give you any wrong positive. the Heimatprüfung measures hcg that is done only by your system if you are pregnant.

When you stopped to nurse your breasts, do you shrink, lots please help!!!?

When you stopped to nurse your breasts, do you shrink, lots please help!!!?

nursed 2 babies in a row i fell pregnant to work as a nurse during the first, first 6 months long nursed, and as second, that nursed i later, was carried long less for her/it/them 10 months, that my question is, he/it wore in your breasts how much, one year, and did they go back ever to normal???
my breasts are 16dd very big normaly un in australia so uncertainly dagegenüber, all i by the size elsewhere, to sort, can say, thats big LOL is quite damn
disaccustomed i now my daughter approximately 4 weeks ago, and my breasts are as flat as pancakes, and they have so badly shrunkin, that they see disgusting will, do they return ever to normal??? if with it, if any advice pleases,

through thera_23...

Best answer chosen by voters

a 12C was i, from, as i fell pregnant, went have to hold i to a DD, while they nursed, because milk didn\'t have sufficiently i, and they actually went down to a B-Tasse back. I hörte on, to now nourish me approximately 4 , they begin to return to normal size, and a hell of a quantity, that thinks i better, sees. Only be patient, and reminds at it, thereß itself your body will change, after he/it had a baby, but hopefully you can yourself sexy into your own skin feels save 1 voices 100 percent to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (3)

through coolmomm... I read, it can pick up one year in order to get back your old boobs. Some women verchanges, you sort a little one by the size, but normally not

through rondard6... healthy i;ll is honest i breast feed my daughter at this time 12, as i was a 40d, which now is a big size, after all cost i held against him/it i, and she/it never got back, i believes, that my daughter stole her/it/them from me, because she/it now then is bigger me,... so then is a big chance u accustomed, you get back her/it/them

from western b was I not very good-equipped to being with lol, I was a 34B if I was born my son, my breast swelled enormously, finally while I nursed, got to see how the große-chested-Frauen are alive, ah ah, after I had stopped to nurse, I felt like my breast, shrank very much!!, but actually I insert my Vorbaby-BHs completely! Therefore für me was it only one matter of the perspective!

While you nursed your baby, like long?

While you nursed your baby, like long?

Did you have menstrual cramps before you began your menstrual cycle again? ICH\'ve now has für in the course 2 weeks some strange cramps. My LO is 4 months old, now nursed and ausschließlich, so that I know, that I now should expect my period every day, but this constricts, puts on my nerves lol! I don\'t know pregnant mich\'m, we had again since the last time, intercourse was at the 31. Octobers, no laughter lol please, my question how long you had is this one constricts, before of Tantenströmung started again to visit?

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I would love to say, that they are Gasschmerzen, but they definitely are cramps. You/they have a Gef lengthening itself to them and meühl\'ve had Gasprobleme years long and years, so that I am lol familiar with the symptom! The wäre something, in order to see for it, although!!


from Barbara H

Best answer chosen by voters

I was BFing my son exclusively, and approximately 5 weeks after he/it had been born, I began menstural-Art-Krämpfe having. I didn\'t thinks, thereß it possibly AF could be, therefore I only ignored it as my body, that still returns to "normal". A couple days später, to take the trouble however, in the middle, the marriage of clothes, BAM!

Fortunately I noticed, before something was ruined besides my own panties, and I had to improvise with one of my son\'s NB-Windeln, lol, because I didn\'t have anything, didn\'t expect, it, to get months at least for a couple,

THAT was a fun day.

It could be your monthly gift, you therefore guarantee to keep one couple pantiliners, and so on on you just in case!


Mother a 100 percent aged 17 months 1 election save to! ! RSS

Other Answers (4)

from K" 4 months old now and exclusively nursed, so that I know, that I now should expect my period every day,"

No, not necessarily; You/they could go easily much longer without a period. Some women place a f anxiously auf\'tür the whole duration of her/its/their care.

Are you sure, that it is, do you chatter no pains? Maybe you/they find if you are so glücklich, as it was I, this pregnancy made strange matters to your inside and that you are, you now subjugate to Gasschmerzen on a manner, before which you were not. Bemühen you a Gas-X, your food is concerned by you...

from E and S\'s mom, that could not get you your period for a while. I didn\'t gets mine with my first, until she/it was 15 months, and I hörte on, to lend during the day with the work. Two weeks, after I had felt ovulation and then später a period had. It had two further periods before we developed our second. It it now thinks 3 months and I, thereß I now ovulates, you don\'t hope so that AF remains away,...

through * co my first doesn\'t remind me I to have had cramps, before AF returned. With my second, I had Krämpfe away and on MONTHS-LONG, before it returned! And I nursed ausschließlich both times and neither slept through the night.

from Stephani... I didn\'t begin 3 weeks long but still had the cramps, but it, that your uterus, in order to contract, likes, was because of the drinking causes your in work again.

When is, a good times in order to stop to nurse?

When is, a good times in order to stop to nurse?

I have old daughter a handsome 9 month, she/it is breast feed, and I feed her/its/their earths best baby food. I give her/it/them per day of a chimney glass, and a Fr,üchte squeaks per day. and mix a Tüte from breast milk (approximately 4 oz) best rice grain with earths. Be based from from the research has I, the a while to theück was, done, as I pregnant and had time was, I reckon with breast, that feeds her/it/them, so that, until she/it is one year old. If there are any pros she/it from continuing Ern after one yearheads? If it is horrifying, that of Ern, to continue heads? I absolutely hate to pump milk, but I become this does something gotta I to do this does, which für my baby girl best is. I planned ursprünglich, as it only her/its/their a yearly mark to Kühe-Milch had striven for,... what is, your thoughts about soy milk? , I place it \'t aufmag, but is it better, I want only hören, everyone these matters of what thinks? Also wählte I earths best baby food because es\'s organic. Es\'s dearly, but has every reaction over this brand or others?

Thank so very much for your whole help and your advice!! =]

Additional details

Thank so very much for the wonderful tops all! My mommy asked me, Brustfütterung, to stop with 6 months, because it was horrifying. I told her/it/them, she/it is more horrifying haha, we have a good relationship and like to tease eachother. I believe, thereß I until my daughter weens even will continue, =] or, we will calculate it exactly if this time comes. Also dear I the idea, her/its/their meal für she/it, to do! i didn\'t even thinks at it! Therefore, I do beginning of one, that her/its/their meal füttert that my husband and I eat? I become to see see in it, müssen, which meal is okay, and which meal is not. Thank again. You/they is all groß! =]


through bird of Flippin\'

Best answer chosen by voters

Some matters...
1, if you are both willing to do, disaccustoms with it. There is not anything wrong with nursing past 1, 2, or even 3. Those, that say it, \'s-Gros has questions of her/its/their own one. If you continue to work milk isn as a nurse, \'t needed. Offer other sources of the calcium, if that is a worry. Käse, yogurt, dark green veggies is a good source than you differently.
2)At 9 months, you can import table meal. Reisgetreide-isn\'t necessary. Es\'s drains Stärkehaltige calories.
33, no matter which brand of shocked baby food, that you use, organically or not, through products of package can get into the meal. IMO can still not be anything 100 percent organic ouchßer if built an extension contaminated hydroponic es\'s with distilled water, because rainwater contains. 100 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (7)

through Wyatt\'s mom, you should allow it her/it/them already by 9 months to take the trouble and self feed. Give her/its/their small Stücke soft fruit, like banana and left her/its/their feed even. You/they können also tanner breath does, and Yogurt melts.

As far as nursing, you must do only this, with which you are comfortable.

Process.. you can absolutely have this something your meal. A good place in check from is / question/index;.

from baby girls A, that good time to hold, is, if you or your baby don\'t yet want more to it. I nurse my 14 months old and obviously don\'t have any problem with outstretched care. Es\'s DIE well milk für she/it, you improve as cow, soy or goat. The Erde\'s is a good brand the best, you könnten makes also your own one or feeds what you eat for dinner, to her/it/them. With 7 months, my baby leaned the Löffel everything together from.

from mummy, you moo, as I was pregnant, I thought, then, that I would become 6 months long directly quiet, would express and would nourish me, one year then continues til to Kühe-Milch. My daughter still now is as a nurse 18 months and working, although only 2-3 times per day, there is not anything horrifying thereover at all, she/it still continues, everything of my immunities and him/it to bekommen\'s still nutrition for her/it/them. SieSie führt a fussy phase at the moment, that really would worry, solids from, but because she/it still has the possibility to work as a nurse upon request, I know that she/it is not hungry. Resemble going für if she/it is sick, below Kühe-Milch often is difficult to remain, therefore, if she/it is sick, that it is no good, but breastmilk is digested more easily. I say that you place to go away, während Sie\'wieder both glad, there are not any cons to it.

from baby Berry madly for Mumiensaft, that nurses beyond one year, continues to have health benefits of both of you, there is not anything horrifying over it.
As better than any glass would be for meal, when bringing your own one to it, to, organically or otherwise.

through mommy of twins and a single sound! If is you AND baby ready! ICH\'m, that now holds because of medical questions, muß, and it is completely heart-rending. About not painfully too erw, to stop ähnen, cold turkey.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

if they get teeth,

through Athens girls

Because of his/its low class hid answer

be our doc 1 years.

Will I suffocate my baby while I nursed?

Will I suffocate my baby while I nursed?

I am pregnant with my first child 20 weeks. I würde really dear, to try, but to nurse, that I land, \'t white if you are sick capable for it, because my breasts are gigantic. ICH\'m in a Größen-L-Tasse... and my breasts are prolly that the size of my baby\'s head is gonna four times! No one of you has gr as wellhad ößeren breasts of nursing any difficulties? I place to think only away, thereß my poor baby will suffocate. Also... ich\'m, the a hard time has, PflegenbHs in my Größe, to find. I googled it and sought on-line, and I continue not to get anything. Therefore to all of you größere chested-Mamas... all tops would be estimated very much.

through theologian Oubliette

Best answer chosen by voters

Get with a lactation advisor before you leave the hospital. Ask your nurse, to one and you, that the most likely große help will be to be spoken. Glück! 100 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (6)

from B, I am a j-Tasse, and found i, that however, it was a nursing BRA not sufficiently strongly, and the plastic clamp, from where you take down the cup, broke after 5 weeks, would discuss i so, that you use one normal nicht-underwired, if u BRA can find for him/it. also muß i my breast hold it suffocated my son doesn\'t with it, you pull it from his/its nose only away, it means that nursing is a 2handed job you my other hand as it, even if he/it is supported i with pillows, in order to support him/it uses

through makes you your own thinking. I will suffocate my baby, während I nursed?"

No. gives it per no recorded cases of this event and it somewhere gives many mothers with big breasts. It only doesn\'t happens.

If you can find a BRA with elastic cups, is easy, down/aside to pull, that will work well for care.

from Julian Mommy You you careful is! I have DD\'s and worked as my son as a nurse, he/it could not breathe, I mußte my breast on a small one of his/its face holds, so that he/it could breathe. The nurse ließ me him/it around didn to other positions however him/it verlagern\'t-Hilfe, I only had to look at it.
Luck, that nurses! I wünsche, that it works out for me!


Mommy to a 5.5 month old

durchdurch m holli is I at the opposite end of the scale,lol., but my sis had some questions, she/it mußte a hand use and push back, the skin about the nipple, while her/its/their baby lived, got it, you improve after some weeks, as for BRA, \'s you can try I believe, thereß she/it big sizes on-line sells. The best Glück

from the Kylie\'s Mommy You you only guarantees, you can see his/its nose holes. And if your going will show the hospital you to breast feed, the correct way is to be expelled you therefore, there. Ohßer, that there are many nursing tapes, at which you can look.

through? Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and b.... attempt lady grace für bigger sizes... I got a catalog only from them, and they had big sizes in the MutterschaftsbHs.. J or K, that I believe,

and I don\'t believe that you would suffocate the baby,... lol then again has bitties I itty.., I, what, know with it?

Which medicine can take i while they nurse?

Which medicine can take i while they nurse?

There are so many matters, that you cannot take, while your pregnant one, and now during I nurses, it seems to be they resembling. My son was born two weeks ago, and tore i from nascent and healed the credit from stings, but now i\'m became blocked and not certainly what is okay, to take, während I nurses. ICH\'m miserable, so that surprises i for itself which can make i... help?

from David M

Best answer chosen by voters

Colace is sure. The name without brand names is docusate. It is a Hockerenthärter and a doesn\'t causes each bowel-Anregung. Therefore, it should not make your pain worse.


I am a pharmacist 100 percent 1 election save to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (11)

through * the mom of Lilah-Bären * I had the EXACT same problem. I had a 3. Degree episiotomy with a 4. Degree Träne.... OUCHIE! Soooo I höre you on this of sting... me was instructed by my doc, loosens approximately bm 6 weeks long to haben\'s. I took Hockerenthärter and milk from likes for a while, but I hated, it the milk from doesn\'t like well b/c to bringen\'s for you, that took it so long. I have a holistic chiropractor, that erwähnte, 100 percent, to try pomegranite-Saft pure. I did and OMG, that it worked! Es\'s very strongly with it I 1/4 cups of OJ ungefähr in with it placed, I normally drink mornings and evening from it, or sometimes only mornings, one full glass. Es\'s FULL of antioxidants, so that it für you and baby good is! I calm to this day, you drink b/c for him/it, that I have digestion probs. sometimes and it hält me regular, as can is! You/they müssen guarantees, you drink, the 100 percent crams full itself, however, it normally rounds 7 or with it bucks es\'s besides soo-Wert. You/they könnten milk from, in order to get rid of today once the constipation, may take and, to then continue with the juice, must. I weiß that can stop you prenatals upward taking, when you still take her/it/them, while bf\'ing... I is. This becomes your Körper guarantees in order to detain patrons, that I promise! Glück!!!!


personal experience

from all the natural Colace is sure to take, while nursing.

Because your body uses much water constipation, that maybe you had during the pregnancy, in order to make breastmilk can continue nach-partum.

If you are you in doubts, over the medication, that you can take, a certified lactation advisor ever informs. You/they have more information over the topic, as doctors do.

my doctor said about C.C that stool softeners are fine,... gratefully didn\'t need I, a mine is really soft that I advise the baby, but i knows, that this is TMI, I had hemorroids according to the baby and was in pain. You/they should some dafit takes ür because you can, \'t exposes with stings down.

it knows i, if you have pain, you can take salt baths, or you can tylenol that is what my doctor, and Ibprofin, said, takes that they gave me in hospital was she/it exact adament over me to take it, smooths if not in pain

durchdurch mystic_e... selected list of the medications, that were approved by the AAP for the use as nursing mothers, AAP-Liste revised 8/04,

from Mommy_to... I had the same problem, and my doctor asked me to get Miralax. It isn\'t an Abführmittel, but a stool softener is. It is softly and worked well für me. It is sufficiently mild, thereß you it babies can give, if they are blocked. My doctor asked me to give a small one to my baby if she/it wore out hadn\'t in 5 days.

through one newer day of Here, it is the web site of my pediatrician. The connection is a list of the medications below, you are fähig, to take, while you nurse. Congrats on your small boy and gets mommy better soon,

through simply living life i had the same problem, as i first had my daughter and nursed. You/they können calls your local hospital and about a lactation nurse asks, and they can inform you of what you can take.

vonvon Sa B i would call to the pharmacist your doctor or your speech in order to be sure 100 percent.

through tabi_cat.... Heres a place, that can help with a list of drugs, that is sure,

through sexxy^fl... * I really believes that should ask your doctor u,.., to only guarantee,....

from mommy for 2 small angels, I used milk of like..., but it gives also to my baby BM loosen...

When is, a good times in order to stop to nurse?

When is, a good times in order to stop to nurse?

I have old daughter a handsome 9 month, she/it is breast feed, and I feed her/its/their earths best baby food. I give her/it/them per day of a chimney glass, and a Fr,üchte squeaks per day. and mix a Tüte from breast milk (approximately 4 oz) best rice grain with earths. Be based from from the research has I, the a while to theück was, done, as I pregnant and had time was, I reckon with breast, that feeds her/it/them, so that, until she/it is one year old. If there are any pros she/it from continuing Ern after one yearheads? If it is horrifying, that of Ern, to continue heads? I absolutely hate to pump milk, but I become this does something gotta I to do this does, which für my baby girl best is. I planned ursprünglich, as it only her/its/their a yearly mark to Kühe-Milch had striven for,... what is, your thoughts about soy milk? , I place it \'t aufmag, but is it better, I want only hören, everyone these matters of what thinks? Also wählte I earths best baby food because es\'s organic. Es\'s dearly, but has every reaction over this brand or others?

Thank so very much for your whole help and your advice!! =]

Additional details

Thank so very much for the wonderful tops all! My mommy asked me, Brustfütterung, to stop with 6 months, because it was horrifying. I told her/it/them, she/it is more horrifying haha, we have a good relationship and like to tease eachother. I believe, thereß I until my daughter weens even will continue, =] or, we will calculate it exactly if this time comes. Also dear I the idea, her/its/their meal für she/it, to do! i didn\'t even thinks at it! Therefore, I do beginning of one, that her/its/their meal füttert that my husband and I eat? I become to see see in it, müssen, which meal is okay, and which meal is not. Thank again. You/they is all groß! =]


through bird of Flippin\'

Best answer chosen by voters

Some matters...
1, if you are both willing to do, disaccustoms with it. There is not anything wrong with nursing past 1, 2, or even 3. Those, that say it, \'s-Gros has questions of her/its/their own one. If you continue to work milk isn as a nurse, \'t needed. Offer other sources of the calcium, if that is a worry. Käse, yogurt, dark green veggies is a good source than you differently.
2)At 9 months, you can import table meal. Reisgetreide-isn\'t necessary. Es\'s drains Stärkehaltige calories.
33, no matter which brand of shocked baby food, that you use, organically or not, through products of package can get into the meal. IMO can still not be anything 100 percent organic ouchßer if built an extension contaminated hydroponic es\'s with distilled water, because rainwater contains. 100 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (7)

through Wyatt\'s mom, you should allow it her/it/them already by 9 months to take the trouble and self feed. Give her/its/their small Stücke soft fruit, like banana and left her/its/their feed even. You/they können also tanner breath does, and Yogurt melts.

As far as nursing, you must do only this, with which you are comfortable.

Process.. you can absolutely have this something your meal. A good place in check from is / question/index;.

from baby girls A, that good time to hold, is, if you or your baby don\'t yet want more to it. I nurse my 14 months old and obviously don\'t have any problem with outstretched care. Es\'s DIE well milk für she/it, you improve as cow, soy or goat. The Erde\'s is a good brand the best, you könnten makes also your own one or feeds what you eat for dinner, to her/it/them. With 7 months, my baby leaned the Löffel everything together from.

from mummy, you moo, as I was pregnant, I thought, then, that I would become 6 months long directly quiet, would express and would nourish me, one year then continues til to Kühe-Milch. My daughter still now is as a nurse 18 months and working, although only 2-3 times per day, there is not anything horrifying thereover at all, she/it still continues, everything of my immunities and him/it to bekommen\'s still nutrition for her/it/them. SieSie führt a fussy phase at the moment, that really would worry, solids from, but because she/it still has the possibility to work as a nurse upon request, I know that she/it is not hungry. Resemble going für if she/it is sick, below Kühe-Milch often is difficult to remain, therefore, if she/it is sick, that it is no good, but breastmilk is digested more easily. I say that you place to go away, während Sie\'wieder both glad, there are not any cons to it.

from baby Berry madly for Mumiensaft, that nurses beyond one year, continues to have health benefits of both of you, there is not anything horrifying over it.
As better than any glass would be for meal, when bringing your own one to it, to, organically or otherwise.

through mommy of twins and a single sound! If is you AND baby ready! ICH\'m, that now holds because of medical questions, muß, and it is completely heart-rending. About not painfully too erw, to stop ähnen, cold turkey.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

if they get teeth,

through Athens girls

Because of his/its low class hid answer

be our doc 1 years.