Which is better/safer to take, as nursing, advil or tylenol?
I rarely take everything, but I fell on the ice, that lets the dog out of this morning, and my back kills me! I weiß that is advil, one no no if of Sie\'wieder pregnant, but it is everything, which we have at the moment in the house. If it is O.K., während it nurses? , and even if it is, still is tylenol surer,through mystic_eye 1 out of 3
Best answer chosen by Asker
The surest is the one, that will work the best, because you less often will always take.As well as acetaminophen as also ibuprofen is used in babies, and the quantity, that transfers to breast milk, is exactly, very low. I würde ibuprofen for blue stains recommends, and muscle pulls. Get also somebody, any Hexenhaselnu,ßstrauch, he/it can help you put only on the area to lift, that hurting will reduce.
Advil certainly is be only not sure during the pregnancy during the last trimester how prematurely it can induce the management in the heart of teh-Baby to close. Fetuses have a management, that allows the blood of the left and real sides of the heart to mix, that heyßt, because her/its/their lungs are no oxygenating her/its/their blood, is the placenta. You/they also conserved it miscellaneous "" Blood circulation, rather than "oxygenated"-Arterien and "deoxygenated" veins. That is why babies are purply in birth, as soon as the lungs aufw the management ends and the baby pinksit inflates ärts because the oxygenated-Blut individual part is, and near the skin like into adults. So können you sees, that to close the management, no worry is as soon as your baby was born.
LactMed sees below, the best means to medication security is on-line. Dr. Thomas Hale is the source für medication security his/its book "Medikamente und die Milch" of mother can be looked at at most drug stores (his/its very expensive one), because newer or rare medications didn\'t cover attempt his/its forum:
Other Answers (6)
from K, both are rated \'L1\' (surest)--
from Connor Tylenol, something doesn\'t do for body pain. Es\'s well für leitende-Schmerzen, but except if you take Tylenol 3, it won\'t immediately help you to Vicodin. Advil is für breast feeding certainly. My sister took it, w,ährend she/it breast feeding her/its/their most recent daughter was. (she/it had a leg injury. he/it doctor reccomended it to her.
through hello mom as well as ibuprofen as also acetaminophen is fine to take. put you the taking of he/it sicher\'wieder recommends quantity.
from Blue Advil is sure, as nursing. It becomes für back pain probably effective is.
from Mommy Tylenol of castle wall, quite the same rule as, as you were preg.
through Dade\'s mommy
Because of his/its low class hid answer
tylenol.... your body processes it so faster than advil from it, gets to seep in your breastmilk. And you müssen itself reminds, because you are, breast applies, that feeds the same rules, as if you were still pregnant so wide, is nutriention, and drugs go.
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