Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Which type of birth control is sure while he/it nurses?

Which type of birth control is sure while he/it nurses?

I became pregnant unplanned, but I take full responsibility. But this cannot happen again! Ohßer using condoms wants a back I on method of the birth control. But I want also to breast feed. I immediately want to attract birth control. As soon as I have the baby. Because the women are very fertile in my family. And I hörte nursing can birth control is, but I place auf\'t it wants to risk.

through megwetze...

Best answer chosen by Asker

Nursing itself/themselves is no contraceptive.
You/they can take the small pill, during your quiet. None of the other Verhütungsmittel could cause your milk supply. Ask your doctor.
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Other Answers (6)

through purlie, you speak with your doc, i used spericide!

Normally, the pill is quite low effect through bchawks as wide as nursing going. The stain, although sometimes recommended, causes headedness maybe easy, as working as a nurse. However, an IUD is a good idea in nursing Müttern, as it doesn\'t do effect your milk at all, as the others do. You/they put it (his/its tiny one) in your givesärmutterhals one, Sie\'ll gets any constricting with first, but otherwise fractional discomfort, and it lasts for 5-10 years, that depend on that, what you get. You/they place mu auf\'tß worries about the forgetting of it or changing of your lifestyle in order to remember it. You/they also place auf\'t, the fear of missing of a pill or forgetting of your stain has.

from Pippin, you can use everything BESIDES hormonal B.C., that contains estrogen.

Therefore none patron pills/patches or the rings.

If you can become again not really pregnant, and abstinence is no possibility,... I would speak with the doctor over the Mirena. Extremely effectively, well over 99 percent) and no area for user mistakes and most women, that use it, you love it.

Other, \'very effective\' possibilities would be condoms+vaginal-Spermizid, depo-provera, the shot, Implanon the implant universe has less as 1 percent of failure installment one.

Would become less effective, but nurses usable methods, 1-2 percent) correctly uses, condoms alone would be, non-hormone IUDs, LAM, lactational ammenhorrhea, natural family planning or the progestin only pill.

you don\'t trust the nursing of Jennifer B Do as birth control!!! I has a friend, who had 2 babies within one year of each other, because she/it believed nursing, an effective birth control was. Me you says, it is not. Therefore many people are, führen you through the myth wanders. You/they are höchst fertile months, after you gave birth. You/they weras wisely, to discuss your possibilities with your Dr.. Maybe condoms and Mirena? I am not sure. Speak with your doc.

through dark eyes, my doctor allowed me to take the Depo-Schuß while he/it did my daughter as a nurse. But the Schuß influenced also my mood. Some women können it, other, handhaben\'s-Jargon.

The best matter is if you are made for having children, for your hubby, in order to get the big V.

through swifty68... I nursed also my daughter. Don\'t trust, thereß breast feeding a source of the birth control is. I ließ an IUD in it places. It lasts to be placed in it only some minutes, is painless, works and last 5 years. The single problem is any insurance, that companies put on, paid \'t dafür and is approximately $800, if they don\'t do. Glück!

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