Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What does pink closing mean while he/it nurses a 9 month old?

What does pink closing mean while he/it nurses a 9 month old?

I nurse my 9 month old and didn\'t still get any period. ICH\'ve läßt signs of the pregnancy, nausea, like offense and so on, but only intermittently, that constricts, and I took examinations, and they are all negatively. Yesterday, that I under clear Löschung any very easy pink had, has more sorrowfully tmi and I no idea why. I place aufweißweiß \'t if it bleeds implantation, but if it is to the examination, already would not be positive, if I am pregnant? Also with my son, I didn\'t have any implantation, that bled, so that really ich\'m not familiar with it. Does everyone have any grounds? ICH\'m ermüdeten from it, to play this guessing game. Thanks!

from PKUmom

Best answer chosen by voters

possibly is your period, that takes the trouble, for itself 100 percent to regulating 1 election save! ! RSS

Other Answers (2)

from Jessica S, you probably are not pregnant, but the credit only of hormonal energies, that lead to cycles upward. Für all cases is you pregnant, you negotiate yourself like you, is pregnant, but places auf\'t stops to work as a nurse. Service more pregnancy any, pr some further days before takingüft, and then tests again in order to certainly be.

from ARIANNE, that it like original period finishes speaking, tries to begin itself/themselves again upward. illness, Kr, had iämpfe and so on during breast feedind also particularly, as my milk lifted. the he/it less often drank, constricts this more, i got. i began, as he/it ungefähr eight months old was and held, nourishing doesn\'t long for it, because differen=t concludes, however.

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