Wednesday, 20 July 2011

How much something and I should eat, while nursing?

How much something and I should eat, while nursing?

I always am late in the mornings, not a morning person, therefore I don\'t eat any breakfast
School lunch is hideous so that I jump it,
I eat a good big meal for dinner and drink 7-8 bottles of water one day... un always thirsty
I always have eaten like it, however I me to it, to eat, had more to bring, during pregnant
Do I have now, but lately virtually 3 weeks long of which I noticed that I have less milk, nursed twins, for them but still enough, to feed her/it/them, I am normally overfilled, and I decrease, do you really fast... is it, because I don\'t eat enough? How much something and I should eat?
Does everyone tell me the nursing of you brands constantly hungrily, but I am not, they say that it will enter one week or two,... is so true?

Additional details

I know un, to eat sufficiently not i, how much and which nutrients i needs more only surprised, and so on


through onionman...

Best answer chosen by Asker

StillendStillend will use at least 500-600 calories per day, therefore if your goal is not the additional weight to be lost so fast, you will consume 2500-2600 calories per day with the exact minimum, must. Only dinners eating [even if es\'s a großer part] you provide your caloric needs lived, particularly, if you nurse twins.

It is a good idea to pack small things, [for during the school] you munch undund throughout the day. It cut on a melon, about with you, some grapes, a sandwich with much lunch meat and veggie toppings, to take, ißt, so many as well as you during the day can. You will provide this not only with enough energy, about through the day without Gefühl, to go too fully, but helps your milk to deliver in order to remain solid.

Also, I read that named a supplement, "Fenugreek" miracle does supposedly for the milk supply, but you will finish to smell like Ahornsirup. ;)

You continue no matter what you do, to take your prenatal vitamins, they are like important afterbirth as well if you nurse as they are during the pregnancy.

Luck and congratulations!!!


34 weeks pregnant, sister helped after birth and while retains nursing her/its/their weight.
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Asker \'s Comment:
I decided to pack small things and lunches only @ Night
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Other Answers (1)

from Nb, It makes matter for what you, not so much, eat, as it, you eat regularly. Hit is not üpfendes breakfast and lunches well and in long run is your won Körper\'t capable to occupy itself/themselves with it to produce enough milk for it to build an extension twins.

Healthy eating and is regular the best of course, but you must know that you don\'t make you for asking? Take your Fryou get the least hideous bowl lunches ühstück in order to go, and you will be on the way.

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