Strange question about it, to nurse, and pregnancy?
My daughter is 9 months old, and we still nurse. I also believe, thereß i maybe pregnant is, but it nevertheless is too early that to test my period, not due for 3 days more is, ovulated i 11 days long and we take the trouble, baby, to develop #2, so that, if is i, it a good matter is!today, my right breast had the feeling of engorgement the whole day, didn\'t have for the i, because my daughter was a newborn, we were very blessed, i didn\'t have any complications at all and so on with nursing aka managements, mastitis. I believed, thereß it would go away, after however, you had fed to him/it didn i, \'t therefore with her/it with the right side, to prevail from engorgement, started next feeding i it doesn\'t give any pain, during working of only anus of Word as a nurse. gets a sharp sting i occasionally, and then, it goes away, but it is nice offer in the Nähe from my armpit on the side, but not warmly like it would be, if any type of infection had i because of the care.
so that that is, what wants to know i, each other from them found, was pregnant, during care and you all symptoms of your breasts experienced. notifications i with my first pregnancy tenderness and many wax, i began from a b-Tasse and now a DD, but because now works i as a nurse, it is difficult to know
through one
Best answer chosen by Asker
I now am 26 weeks further, and my son, who only still nurses, rotated a last week. I didn\'t have any pain like you, describes, but noticed, erhöhte in this last couple months sensitivity and tenderness. IchIch noticed, thereß my sensitivity to its wine increased, I., that I leaves can feel my milk down when crying, which I never found out with him/it, it will latch until on him/it, and the feeling becomes sharper that the further progresses me. IchIch actually did two times weeks and harbor durchgelassen\'t in the last couple, thereß, because he/it was a couple months old.- Asker \'s Rating:
- Asker \'s Comment:
- thank you for it, with most of the other i was frustrated to answer, because they dealt like i, you don\'t believe that could become i pregnant, during which i to obviously nurse, i-Dose knows, because troubles i for itself to introduce itself/themselves! LOL anyway Glück with your small ones
Other Answers (3)
from Meredith C, you can become actually pregnant while you nurse. Normally, they say, thereß you sterile will be, but the reality always is not be this the case. You/they want, about maybe with yours whether für a pregnancy, to get, you test, you check your breast und/oder for infection.
through missieee... I had the same feeling, as I had a congested management. However, I also never had a congested management a time or two mastitis. Bemühen you only some hot compresses or a hot shower. I hope, thereß you pregnant is! You Babystaub sending!!
through rembisz7.... they can get pg while you nurse!! my daughter was 6 months old, as I got pg with my son. Never had any signs... ouchßer misssed-Periode.
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