Wednesday, 20 July 2011

What are the effects of the smoking, during nursing?

What are the effects of the smoking, during nursing?

the smoking gave up i, as i i found out, was pregnant. it started i to smoke a cigarette here and there as my baby was about one month old. know un the smoking of 2-5 cigarettes per day. his/its better knows i to smoke and to then nurse to use formula i, however, that you also know, thereß i should give up.

every info about the effects of the smoking finds i-Jargon while he/it nurses. i\'ve looks at all nursing web sites and she/it, really says the effects dont. they only say, if you over 20 per day smoke, can mix in it for itself with milk production and can leave down. from what the effects are the smoking of 2-5 cigarettes per day, w,ährend she/it nurses?

his/its bad one knows i to smoke for me, and feels i really guilty. i shouldnt has again aufwärts begun. those stupid cigarettes sacrifice themselves so. un itself really too bemühen, dont, to so please give up, is middle

Additional details

my baby now is 2 and one half month


through? Pleasan...

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I explored also the topic.

That was, what I read, that the smoking will cause the baby negatively regardless of it, whether or is not in your breastmilk. It verläßt actually quite fast your breastmilk, quite so fast, as the nicotine leaves your system. The chemicals, that her/its/their risks erhöhen, will be on your clothing, in your hair, on your skin, if you touch her/it/them, in your bed, if you sleep, that are, why it is not reccomended to Mitschlaf, if you smoke.

None amount to cigarette smoke from abandonment, will increase certain risks for her/it/them, as you expose her/it/them to a poisonous carcinagen. Risks like bronchitis, Lungenentz,ündung, asthma, middle ear infections, and of course, cancer. The more you smoke, and that reaches more this smoke her/its/their general surroundings, the h,öher those risks will be.

Dignity dignity I says, while you take the trouble to step the habit, do you not let this quantity gained, it can sneak upward gradually, jargon it?) bemühen you carries itself maybe to smoke so far from the house away, as you can, you a coat, from which you take the house before reentering, you frequently clean your hair and particularly your hands, you always nurse before a smoke break and not after. Also, Don\'t-Rauch in the car, even if she/it is not in it, it really remains in the upholstry.

I white that can be quiting SO hard, some people simply don\'t understand. Es\'s likes, thereß Ihr body starts to need her/it/them, simply like meal or water. Bemühen you the stain system, something, which you can. Don\'t entließ itself, in that he/it said, "oh it become resign only some, no biggie, I next week." You knows, as well as I do, in 2-5 will lead to 7-10, and next week to next month, next year, will lead quiting ah forgets you it.

Luck. From a mother, that itself with the addiction to another abgemüht has.
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Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks i only wishes, that some other could find i, so much as well as a cigarette fraction enjoys i. also is foward which i figure.
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Other Answers (10)

through callista R, that in last report claims that has to used smoke of exposed women to a 90 percent bigger risk upward maybe to develop Brustkerbs. The children of parents, who smoke, are more likely, at Lungenentzündung, to suffer bronchitis, ear infections, asthma and SIDS, abrupt infant Death syndromes. It is even felt, thereß mothers, that smoke and nurse, maybe damaging chemicals to her/its/their baby through her/its/their breast milk of nicotine goes.
this is switched on:

through kymm r reception notification of all, this adds this, you tell you, you which illnesses of smoking can get, can to smoke about a baby, the air routes seriously cause and causes damage, how do you want that your child grows up?

through mommy of two, I smoke cigarettes, and I nursed. I smoke 4-8 per day ungefähr. My daughter is 2 months old and this finely waxes. There is ICH\'m certainly to our babies some effects, if we smoke, but actually only a small one finishes from it in our breast milk. We give the best meal to our babies. I bemühe me, to give up presently, and restricts me gradually only one. Place a goal date and mich\'m sure becomes you fähig is to be remained all the time, you make it realistic! ) If of Sie\'wieder the smoking only from some per day, why do you need anyways for them? I weiß, that they sacrifice themselves, but thinks more years at like much, you will add your life of quiting adds!

through RoXy-Rauchen, while to be about a baby, is bad. the chemicals remain on your clothing and if you come in contact with your baby, that you pass on the chemicals to him/it,

through William jacob(23/12/06)i-Liebe was a smoker himself u i and still is the quantity, that you smoke lived harming your milk,

from Momma5 Have seen you per the ad. wowo the baby smokes, während in the Mütter-Mutterleib? His/its quite sad one now thinks over your baby, who puffs on a Kerbsstock, after while they stink one bottle or a breast. Only resigned für your child and itself

from Heather S, I stopped to smoke the day completely, I, that was found from me, was pregnant with both of my daughters. After they had been born, I nursed both some weeks long only because of low milk production from them, but as soon as I was supplimenting with formula, that I me ouchßerhalb it, to wipe some cigarettes per day, found. It was f my 5 minute of breakür me during she/it napped and so on
It never is good for smoke, and I learn to find other alternatives to my deprimierte-Zeit.
Think about your health and your baby\'s health.


Mother of 2

from Sam Mom Please, you carry with somebody, that is unkind in her/its/their answer, that is only the way, that it sometimes goes. But I saw also into this, f,ür the same reason, and what I found, I wish that I could remember, where, that is
If and if you must smoke, do you do it, AFTER you nursed, could a doc or a rn maybe explain why... is it similarly to converting alcohol,
The lot of damage, that comes to the baby, is not from nursing, but the used smoke, that is on you maybe,... always, brush teeth, thinks you and so on to wash up and for Gütesake, you smoke outdoors, away from baby. , ICH\'m quite certainly make you for this, but it mußte are said!)
If there is tracks of nicotine, that get in breastmilk, an agitated, watchful baby wants the most likely manifesto in it, those would be the effects,

from MissyV tuxedo is disgusting and dreadful about a baby. You/they blow your second hand smoke everywhere over this child. Also, there is an effect. Nicotine is in your milk, that you this child füttern. You/they believe, thereß the nicotine somehow not to them comes,... well does it. Use your healthy common sense and hören you on, damns so to be egoistic. You/they können itself away holds on this smokes, until your child is on formula or regular meal. First be a parent! I bemühe me not, to be middle, but seriously you know already the answer to it.

Because of his/its low class hid answer

If it smokes, while breast feeding can be, a pediatrition is very more damaging i, and I would inform you gladly of the whole nicotine of the cigarette, you get well into your breastmilk, and the baby could get, adds you or ADHD therefore doesn\'t smoke any period that it is bad for your lungs,


doctor is i

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