Wednesday, 20 July 2011

From what are the dangers of taking of food pills while they nurse?

From what are the dangers of taking of food pills while they nurse?

I dont wants to make everything in order to harm my 3 months\' old daughter on any manner. Therefore würde I the side-effects, that it would have on her, likes to know, whether I took food pills, if no one of you knows. Practically EACH pill bottle läßt caution against pregnant and nursing mothers, even vitamin C!, directs.

through no5no5

Best answer chosen by Asker

What kind of pills? Most are diuretics and think, thereß she/it you to it, to lose water weight, brings. If you nurse, that is a quite bad idea. And even if you aren\'t, it won\'t help in long run. Nurses, a healthy food is and a young endpractice, that to decrease best ways.
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Asker \'s Comment:
I forgot the water, that is the most important thing in nursing. Yes, the wit stinks ürde if my water supply eased. Thanks
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Other Answers (7)

from Giza Breck They can collapse into your milk in your system and your passport and can get into your baby\'s system so, that will be not sufficiently strong, in order to negotiate with them.

through joyfulgi... umm. würden you your baby the pills gives? that is what you do, if you take her/it/them and you your milk füttern. Food pills are not für babies. You/they kpoisons önnten here. there are some harsh matters in food pills. service her/its/their ween until you until you take the food pills.

from Mommafig Please, any food pills don\'t take while they nurse,... it is not good for your baby. You/they können\'t makes that, if you, the silence.

ALWAYS speak in front of the bringing of NONE meds with your keeper over the counter! Not only, because they harm your baby and you maybe,... she/it my interacts you!


Employee from a medical publishing company and a doula when training

from Tanya

through mystic_e.... Kräutergewichts0 0 products and nursing

through huh? what always is in the pills, caffeine,guarana,etc.-w,ürde in your baby finishes..., if you really must take the food pill hold, that first nurses. otherwise only wait

through the mommy of Danny, I agree to that, what said any one others.

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