Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Zoloft and nursing?

Zoloft and nursing?

Wants, he/it takes Zoloft, during pregnant decrease my milk supply?

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the reason is, that I ask, because my doctor gave to me zoloft for my depression and my right after birth,... I didn\'t do, however, you take it because I am big on not taking matters while my baby nurses. I fühle that more badly my depression and miracle becomes, if takes shouldn\'t I... so is this, why I ask,...


until nurse autumn Intactivist NFP

Best answer chosen by Asker

I nurse and take Zoloft presently. It is sure, there, To take ß, and me a big milk supply has. I wit proposes ürde that you take it. THESE STUFF WORKS! If you become glad, you will begin to understand, like unglücklich you real was. Nobody should live this way. I remember, thereß, before I was on it, I only no sense of living saw, and I hated myself. Then, I started to take Zoloft and it was similarly, that the clouds opened, and the sun came through. I was SO glad. I love my son more than something. , I was pregnant as I put on him/it and me didn, \'t fühlt itself like it, that I would be capable to love my son, is wonderful lives, and I can now see this. Trust me, your child hätte MUCH rather a glad mommy, and if his/its safe...
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IchIch really likes know this answer, because it brings me to feeling like this person, about what I talk and seem in the, to be postition, resembles,... thanks
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Other Answers (5)

from bird Flippin\'s, that won\'t decrease It at all your milk supply. ICH\'ve takes Zoloft since before idea and right through pregnancy. I now don\'t have any baby blues a healthy baby boy,and. If of SieWiedergefühl depressed, speech to somebody, but doesn\'t provide about the medication, that gets into your breast milk. Some is gotten through it, but sufficiently not, to harm your baby. Es\'s completely normally, itself at the moment a bi, To feel ßchen blue.

through ctknight... at the moment will propose many pediatricians that a mama reception Zoloft right to nursing, or if they know, that her/its/their baby will sleep for a long period. Do be based on it can help ich\'t ouchßer miracles, if exclusively it could also be worth to consider to pump instead of working as a nurse.



/ baby/bbrea.

That the Fewest concerning the question is through n kateus, if NOW you pregnant and the taking of it is,:
Maybe "SSRI-Antidepressiva cause serious or life-threatening lung problems with newborn babies, whose mothers take the medication during the pregnancy. But maybe you have a Rückfall the depression, if you stop to take your antidepressant during the pregnancy. If you plan a pregnancy, or if you become pregnant, während you Zoloft takes, you don\'t stop to without first speak the medication with your doctor to take."

BTW, when getting from as much silence as realistically possible, the daily generous quantity of water drinks, and as few Mißbelastung so possibly are a formula for it to be helped to keep good milk supply. Her/its/their Zoloft taken proposed so previously, after baby, after a F,ütterung, came, is sensible.

I hope and trust that your doctor knows both about your circumstances,; knows your OB/GYN, that you now take Zoloft, or does your DO/MD know that you now are pregnant? Only a bißchen worried here...


Retired OB-Krankenschwester and:

through the mommy of chase, prior comments are very disloyal for universe. This (Str)doctors Ihr are best means ömung, not retired. I took Zoloft während pregnant and also, while nursing, and it absolutely didn\'t have any effect on my son. I checked with my OB/GYN, after, to stop Zoloft, tries, because I was worried about possible effects on the fetus, and Zoloft then needed the whole time, that was I pregnant, with the lactation advisors of Meriter (fantastic girls!), as it time to start to nurse, came, and also with Dr. Eglash near UW-Mt. HorebHoreb, that in the höchst percentage the lactation advisor of the NATION is assessed! many studies was done within the last few years, about itself too entschließen, how much is handed over by the Zoloft of the milk, and the concentration quantity was untraceble. My OB/GYN also said, thereß the fetus for a much healthier life was earned, in that one was on Zoloft, because I didn\'t suffer from depression.

, In order not to mention, maybe that it is a MUCH better possibility, as the damage a hormanal-Frau, that suffers from depression, is capable from it. None of us, that were who, know there, how badly it can be, and you place auf\'t recognizes, how badly it was, until you get help, and is better. The best from Glück!

through poohb287.... It should not decrease your milk supply, but you notice that your baby is a little more lethargic as others baby. This is fine, I took Lexapro, w,ährend I nursed, however, I would double check with your doctor.

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