Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Singulair & Antiobiotics, while nursing?

Singulair & Antiobiotics, while nursing?

I broke finally together and went this to it Dr. after ailments through sneezing, with the cough, jam, runny-Nase, sore throats for in the course 2 weeks now. She/it said, thereß I a cold has, & allergies. I asked this Dr. about the drugs to checks, she/it gave to guarantee me, they certainly are during breast feeding. She/it said both over these (Singulair) & the Antiobiotic, even B is during pregnant and says that they are sure for nursing mothers.

Is my question, will both of these drugs influence my milk supply?

I believe that I the antibiotic one from both way to clarify what always, must bring that I have but I am ready, that not to take singulair, if it will influence my milk supply. Have every experience in it?

Additional details

Do I can them/her/it Dr.\' s-Handschrift doesn\'t read, I have not yet taken it, it looks like Augmeator or Augmeutor or something like it? Es\'s 875 mg

She/it said that she/it gave me the Singulair in order to help to clean up my jam. Das\'s why I am not sure, if I will take it, I can get done with the jam, only the infection wants i, or something always goes to go away before itself!

Unfortunately I had to go b/c to a walk-in hospital, I didn\'t have any time to get my regular one Dr., so I got one Dr. this doesn\'t speak you very good English of course. Otherwise hätte I she/it more questions of a quantity asked, as I did. I mußte her/it/them says more than once that I nursed, so that she/it would check all drugs into her/its/their small book, that presented the security, is honest.


from Alberta Mama

Best answer chosen by Asker

Did you still fill the rule? If don\'t ask the pharmacist before the Füllen from them. Pharmacists are WAY with drug information zuverlässiger as Dr\'s is. You/they können you also on over-the-counter drugs, that I believe, discusses that maybe singular is, that however, I never have brought him/it. If already you it füllten, I am sure that they would help you over the telephone.

Something became rules for me, which I to from a doctor allergic was, done, and the pharmacist caught it! I was from in the 80s the name of the antibiotic only bewußt, if I last, took it. My doctor made rules the same matter for me, only the newer generation of it, that now of Stärker is, and going of another name. The pharmacist immediately caught the mistake.

After I had born my daughter, I was septic. I took 3 different antibiotics and was fähig, not to nurse with any problems. With the hospital, they discussed, thereß she/it won\'t influence, you milk supply, and 1 percent of the drug are actually guessed only approximate into the milk.

However, I don\'t have any experience in singular.
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks! The pharmacist was established to be very helpful. He/it, that is recommended, that not to take Singulair since there, research sufficiently simply is not too lowermost for him/it one of both wayützen. He/it said, thereß the antibiotics my baby a bad reaction could give, &, in order to only look at her/it/them. So far, she/it makes good.

Thanks for your advice:,
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Other Answers (2)

through roseyche... I, the i nursed, since he/it, that I have heavy asthma, was Singulair throughout my whole pregnancy and through the time took. Everything was finely didn with baby and has all problems with my supply mir\'t.

through dolfin42.... the antibiotics are O.K.. ICH\'ve hörte, that maybe sudafed contact has any drugs, that are used, to dry about you up and so on the same drying on effect on your milk. I get really dreadful fall allergies and if it still comes take \'t to the point, that I can, it, I will use a nasal spray like nasalcrom. This never has had every effect on my supply, but it used very economically i.

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