Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Smokes, while nursing?

Smokes, while nursing?

the smoking had given up completely i while i was pregnant, but then any dumb reason i lifted it again back. stupid Süchte.
anyway i wondered how my daughter will cause behind it, if nurses i. I smoke only ungefähr 5 or 6 per day. I never smoke about her/it/them or even in the house. I veralter my clothing for smoking, because I know, your clothing can accelerate and can hurt the baby. how much goes it to cause her/it/them? ICH\'ve tried, the internet, to watch, but I really don\'t find anything. if it still can für she/it very dangerous is? does it come through the breastmilk?

from Emoja

Best answer chosen by Asker

Doctors say that, although smoking is not the best matter nursing in order to expel itself/themselves, it also nothing, which should hinder you, to nurse, is. Don\'t smokes before care, bem, 1-2 hoursühen you itself, immediately after a feeding session first, to smoke, and the clothing doesn\'t carry, that you in about your child smokes, as you already do.

From La Leche:

The LLLI-Veröffentlichung according to THE nursing ANSWER BOOK, if the mother, less as twenty cigarettes per day, smokes the risks to her/its/their baby of the nicotine in her/its/their milk is small.


/ newborn/nb.
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Other Answers (8)

through love insists! One& C-Mama, that I don\'t know honestly, but I want this question star for you.

from awesome Rockin-Mama, it comes through breast milk, yes his/its damaging one to her and you and each youre about.

why do you not get this will drive you, that are had, as you were pregnant and gave up again? it becomes für everyone much healthy is.


dont-Rauch, you never have, you never become

through food C, that nurses, and smoking is not ideal, but because you smoke, you should nurse, as better than smoking it and formula feeding is.
Nicotine passes into your milk, and it can have an effect on your infant. Es\'s, in order to give up the best, but if that is not, one M placesöglichkeit then away, to work as a nurse.

Smoking and nursing:

through mom, it is dangerous. Each matter, that in your Körper goes, causes the breastmilk.
Also the dangers of passive smoking still are very risky for your child even if you should take a shower, scrubs itself down, cleans you your hair and changes your clothing after each distant cigarette, because the danger is in your body, and is excreted by your skin and your breath by the pores.

through momoftwi.... you want to negotiate the nursing of the same way as if you were pregnant. Stay away from certain drugs and meal and drugs.

through Morgan-smokes and nursing is better than giving from formula, but you really should make your best, in order to give up or at least along cut remarkable. 5 or 6 per day decide as badly as a box f isn\'tür day, but it nevertheless is a quantity. Remember, thereß the smoke isn\'t only on your clothing also. Es\'s in your skin, your hair and your lungs. If you smell like smoke, and you become for itself, your baby breathes in the poisons of the cigarettes, for him/it doesn\'t smell.

from A\'s mommy yes, it comes through your milk, and it doubles her/its/their risk of SIDS


exclusive bf-Mutter from 10 months old

Because of his/its low class hid answer

A nursing councelor told me this smoking, during nursing the baby on no manner influences.

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