Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Smoke and nursing?

Smoke and nursing?

I have a friend, that is bipolar and smoked weed, before she/it was pregnant. She/it held, während she/it pregnant was, and because was carried some months after the baby. The baby now is six months old and schläft through the night, and this, which she/it does, is, smokes, if the baby goes out to sleep and pumps the whole milk, before the baby wakes up in the morning, and it says that comes doesnt to her, because she/it lends him/it everything out. , Smoke is only right, after baby went to sleep with night, safe in such a way? She/it also takes meds, but doesn\'t say sufficiently thats to keep her/its/their stall

through food C

Best answer chosen by voters

There are limited data available over the effects of maternal Topfrauchens on nursing infants. Es\'s, to treat the best therefore, as you cigarettes würden,; outdoors, not before the child, after care, laundry hands, and changes, dresses.

You doesn\'t still make pumping and discarding anything, that is THC, present at her/its/their milk, until it dissolves. Pumping and discarding of doesn\'t accelerates this Prozeß.

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Other Answers (4)

I know about Immie\'s mummy not to smoke weed from it, but i knows, that they say, if the smoking of cigarettes and nursing of you should wait 30 minutes before feeding, after he/it had one for the nicotine to leave the milk supply.
I hope that helps a small one.
As not certainly the smoking weed, as the credit of bipolar disorder, then that weed is the best matter it all symptoms in order to have with this condition probably manages, a bipolar person has ect like paranoia.. which undermines the purpose to take the pills in order to control ihn/es.
She/it probably would profit so very much, if she/it was resigned smoking it, you don\'t get me, more incorrectly i doesn\'t judge any people, who smoke weed, but much knows i, the intellectual matter having it smoked, and if she/it has, a condition becomes, that then smokes weed, it only does, worse i guesses.

through pride mom of 1! ? I agree with the first person 100 percent.

Nobody is per dead or had serious complications from smoking weed. ICH\'m, that doesn\'t say it, is the klügste matter, in order to do pot, however, smoking through any means, and nursing really is not the worst matter, that a mother could do. Her/its/their Kthis therefore breaks the THC down örper so far, it gets even little caused all problems wouldn\'t into your milk of this from it or makes \'the baby high.\'

In places, where medical marijuana is legal, I am sure, there are thousand in order to control medical conditions to nurse mothers, who use the drug, and they are simply fine.

Breastmilk with a small ammount of THC in it still is better for the baby than no breastmilk with all.

from Jeff, weed is a natural herb... it never has harmed somebody... I would be one little nervous, if something happened in the middle of the night, and she/it was to stoned in order to call 911 or something.. thats over it

through orla, research went sufficiently not into this topic. ICH\'ve never smoked pot or any others medicine against tobacco, but i wit assumes ürde that it depends on it how purely the marajuanna was. Still i\'d rather certainly is than sad.

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