Wednesday, 20 July 2011

So therefore tired sooooo...... pregnant, nursing... any help?

So therefore tired sooooo...... pregnant, nursing... any help?

I now hold the whole time sooo tired open, my husband for now is from city, and I must go, a couple, to work hours per day for him/it, but while I am there, I feel that I will faint. Am I pregnant 13 weeks + my 10 months old nurses, is there everything, for which I can make my energy to help? how of Zugaben-B-Vitamine? I eat and take prenatals, and I sleep if I can,.........

by 2/20/200...

Best answer chosen by voters

Stop to nurse. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (2)

through capitalg.... you must eat like a horse!

With loads and loads of vegetables, fruit, protein and other matters good for you.

NormalerweiseNormalerweise is being become very difficult, pregnant during breast, that lives, how one is sufficiently strict in the body. Unequivocally, you prove, you share yourself this "normally!" However, to do both at the same time, is really tough. The demands for your Körper is very high, and both this will take something per nutrition, that she/it can find, and if she/it my, to rob from you, is this what happens.

Also, you will need a beautiful little silence. Glück with this! But the große key eats very well. VielViel little, but very nutritiously, meals, throughout the day.

from Jillian ~ * Cohen\'s mummy * ~ much protein and vitamin c. honestly as i was, at least one glass OJ had to drink i more pregnant every morning in order to feel O.K.

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