Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Signs of the pregnancy, during nursing still?

Signs of the pregnancy, during nursing still?

I don\'t believe, that I am pregnant, but I only was surprised which signs you noticed in order to bring you to the thinking that you were while you still nursed. I am ungefähr my 9 months BF 75 percent of the time old, no period still, and is on the minipill. I noticed only any erhöhte closing, that I also noticed, as I became pregnant. I weiß, that I can take a preg examination (duh), that asks only your experience!

through Irish mommy

Best answer chosen by voters

I still nursed my almost six month old exclusively, and make ready to go back to the minipill-LOL as I got a dreadful cold and started, itself one, to feel little away, and I only * knew. *

A little background on the cold matter, because I am sure that sounds strange. ;) It happened with my first three pregnancies. Some days, before my period fällig was, I, d does the most badly cold/flu, that I ever had. Spins daraus\'s however ungewmany women don\'t recognize the connection not, but essentially öhnlich, your immune system leaves deliberate in answer to the new pregnancy to avoid to attack the again emerging fetus as a foreign body LOL, after, therefore you are more likely, those first few weeks, to become sick. I believed, thereß it interesting was, as the midwife confirmed that suspicion. ;)

But that is only my own crazy story. ;) Reception this the Prüfung and white for certainly! LOL

Ps. I didn\'t have any period between delivery and idea, only aufzukl, eithereras. Also, only one FYI, but our midwife discussed to change between 9 months and one year to another form of the birth control that an effective one is no more since nursing you compliment after it to the minipill, it only to mine, will be less effective, I can persthe regular pill takes önlich\'t, therefore we remained our second until with him/it mini with TTC ready, approximately two years later (that lasted only 6 weeks) after it had put in the minipill, so seemingly LOL, only any added info, worked. ;) 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (3)

from P&Rsmomm... I had sore breasts, and I was nausea causal. I wußte only, that I was pregnant. However, I will say because you nurse, and on the baby pill, him/it, \'s incredibly.

Definitely take a tes. You/they place auf\'t, this pill wants to take if you are pg.


Same matter happened to me

through mystic_e... * lol * besides late period. IchIch had Stimmungsschw from the day, that my period should have begun,ünge and morning illness quite.

I was in denial of course, but hubby knew and placed only away to laugh at me.

from Ethel Als I still my 9 months old nursed and pregnant became, there were not any signs. I vermißte my period and after a while as my son was, self was, that disaccustomed the reduced milk supply, a blessing, but it was that.

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