Wednesday 20 July 2011

Can you take the idea pill while you nurse?

Can you take the idea pill while you nurse?

exactly my baby in 4 weeks, that only are surprised, that can attracted the pill exactly i after it, or you can expel yourself, doesn\'t become to nurse this i to have his/its sex lol in a rush, but i knows, that girl, that has old baby 14 weeks and found only from shes, is pregnant the 9 weeks, this happening of me doesn\'t want, un also was interested for the bar in your arm instead of the pill, you do, these interfere during breast feeding

from H5

Best answer chosen by Asker

You/they cannot take the combined pill during breast feeding, but you can take the small pill, progesterone only, estrogen like in the combined pill finds that your milk supply can tip over.

Yes, they can only have the implant, that is, progesterone. Nyou can ask ächstes time, that you see your doctor/midwife, available about the methods she/it and can arrange, when she/it is to be gotten.
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Thanks to thanks sees into the implant
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This question about "Can, that you bring to the con. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (6)

from Pippin, the usual birth control pill contains estrogen, that will dry up your milk, if you bring to him/it whilenurisng.

If you are interested in vocal contraception, you can ask your doctor to make you only Minipille, that should not influence your supply, rules for the progestin. , Although even sees an occassional-Frau problem with him/it,

You/they could use progestin also other only methods, like implanon, the pole in your arm or depo-provera.

BTW, while it is fine to go on birth control, of any type immediately will guess I, that exclusively your friend doesn\'t nurse, who got nach-partum pregnant 5 weeks. , It wäre for a nursing mommy SEHR rarely, to be again fertile, that soon, although es\'s more common with not-nursing mommies,

vonvon Love/Hat.... not sorrowfully certainly over your main question about it, to take the pill, during nursing however I only in your arm from the implant wanted to dissuade, is a load of the shit, dirties your periods badly on soo, I was in the habit of like 10 weeks on for, to be at a time! it did my periods more heavily, and I never had have period pains of the ich\'ve before or after my implant had run out, veranlaßte it, to also increase me, and made my acne worse! It veranlaßte me also, to have more frequent migraines! ICH\'d schlägt a mirena-Rolle as I before, and much friend and collegues now has one, and we all swear from them, I hav now didn\'t have any period in 2 years, and because of the fact, you had children that it won\'t be to uncomfortable that one! Cast a glance at the web sites für info about mirena-Rollen below!

also.... luck with your baby boy =]


Trouble the small pill, on which it won\'t dry your milk,
Condoms are effective if it is used the whole time.
IUD is birth given easy, having to insert directly.

Nursing normally delayed your fertility, but for some, it doesn\'t suffice again pregnant to stop you this development, you therefore are careful!


Mommy of two

do you mean the contraceptive pill from Millie, that I assume?
Pill wise will give doctors Ihnen the small pill, if you nurse, as this is a progestogen for only pill, that doesn\'t influence your milk supply.

Love/Hate: my friend had the same problem with her/its/their periods with the implant.

through Lina of \'s Mommy, I am not sure, if the norplant interferes with nursing, but you can ask for your doctor that most types of birth control, that interfere, with nursing, those are, that contain estrogen. Anyway she/it, that are won, \'t placed it after 6 weeks in until.

through jpjb, you must take the small pill, your doctor will be capable, you which one, to tell,

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