Wednesday 20 July 2011

Is wellbutrin XL-Safe during the pregnancy? And nursing?

Is wellbutrin XL-Safe during the pregnancy? And nursing?

I am pregnant 17 weeks. I was on Paxil before I became pregnant, and as I found pregnant from a 4 week, thereß I cold turkey resigned. I am from the time on then extremely moody been, badly, irritability, emotionally and and VERY depresses. A glad time should this für me is. Yesterday, my OB/GYN made rules 150mg Wellbutirn XL per day for me with my date.
I found undecided information about wether that it is sure during the pregnancy. My doctor passes this is, one is the surest, on which I can be. I read, other matters mögen, that you therefore must nurse the baby after it (to which I want), you lived withdrawls, and I let then nursed at all dont or leave the med. Which want I to nurse.
Did each other Wellbutrin take during pregnant?? is your children healthy?? everyone has complications with Wellbutrin during the pregnancy??

Additional details

Is I didn\'t take my delemah here, that I took the trouble for the first 4 months, in order to help my depression, from anything for the first 4 months, my last date and the blood work of all, returned healthy, and the ultrasound didn\'t show healthy weight and no abnormalities)with any success. If I gestreßt becomes, and badly, elevated Bloodpressure DIE whole TIME, this jargon is good, and natural also for the baby if I, that obviously am not good, am dead.


from Clair

Best answer chosen by Asker

Wellbutrin IS O.K. for pregnancy and nursing. I take gegenwärtig Lexapro and is 34 weeks. I was on Cymbalta-Vorschwangerschaft and gave cold turkey on because not certainly es\'s. Try für some months without something besides couldn\'t gets done with the depression and mood energies. My doctor had proposed, thereß Wellbutrin however I allergic to it is, it contains sulfa. there is much unschlüssige examinations about pregnancy and anti-depressants with it never finds Sie\'ll one, that makes you completely glad. But Wellbutrin XL is one for the surest, you können takes, and I would take it if I know \'t. more allergic werendazu myself many mothers, who were on it, and have completely healthy normal babies.
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Asker \'s Comment:
You/they me, that am said, that I tired EVERYTHING, I was to therapy, you ask me why I am there. I have a wonderful life. I have a großen husband no financial loads, I had a wonderful childhood, and my parents are my world, and I am still depressed. I fühle now better, that I am again on meds, thanx for your support,
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Other Answers (5)

through tuff~luv yes, it is looked at safe during the pregnancy. I am on 300 mg per day.

I have not had yet my baby, but I still also didn\'t have any complications.

It is the ONLY-Antidepressivum, that I would feel comfortable taking during the pregnancy, as it is a category B for drug, that thinks, that it is looked at safe). plus, it was the best medication by far, that I für depression had taken.

This WHETHER also proposed, that I take a GABA-Ergänzung, over which I was uncertain, but I tried it, and it is awesome, also.

through bea1, I probably don\'t think very well thats for your baby, but I guess that you listen your Dr..

through Krista h i also has you depression. the reason you shouldn\'t takes, anti-depressants are b/c that they don\'t know it something für a damage to his/its full capacity can do. please speak with your therapist thereover. with 6 weeks i out found i was pregnant, and that was the ungefähr talked first matter i. you really must speak with a therapist, and they can work with your ob/gyn to calculate the best route together. the therapist will often see you in general, wants. oh and fiy jeder\'s-Schwangerschaft is different, and this, which für some will work, could not work for you. it is für the healthy being of both of you very important.

certainly, it more certainly is cuz on my last pregnancy, that she/it gave him/it to me, that, for me resigns not to smoke i doseage over which to help is, from SusieQ i, more certainly i would speak with your doctor and explains, as you are, if this medication of luck has you the best dont

from Mommy to GAIB!!! you should speak with your Dr.... i dont thinks with it!

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