Wednesday 20 July 2011

Can I get any pacification to get the flu shot while I nursed?

Can I get any pacification to get the flu shot while I nursed?

I got the flu shot today. I went to walgreen\'s and erklärte, that I nurse my 4 month elderly. so, they said, thereß she/it me the preservative-outside type, that is that, to what they give pregnant women, will give. and they said w es\'s-Safeährend nursing and the emotion of shouldnt my milk supply. well ich\'m now shied, I got the Schuß a hour ago approximately. will it influence my milk supply, or even more badly, do you dry it up? and although is the preservative-outside type, it becomes schit is ädlich for my baby because it will be in my breast milk?

Additional details

I got him/it bc, my baby is under 6 months, and jargon gets itself him/it, and bc I is her/its/their primary caretaker, I would hate to give it to her/it/them and to have, she/it becomes very sick if I caught it from somebody.


from Coltens mommy

Best answer chosen by voters

It certainly is complete for you and your baby. Many mommies surprise ausdr for itselfücklich over the flu vaccine. This, like other vaccines, can becomes nursing Müttern given. Verhütung and control of the flu according to: Respects of the advisory committee on immunization methods (ACIP), from the AMERICAN centers for illness control,:

Flu vaccine influences the security of mothers, who nurse, or her/its/their infants not. Nursing beeinflußt the immune answer not adversely and is no contraindication for vaccination."

There are two forms of the flu vaccine presently:

This intra--nasal, nasal fogs, form of the flu vaccine, Gewerbename-FluMist?, is a verdünnte, eased, living vaccine. It becomes für the application only of healthy people between the ages of 5 and 49 years approves. Per the CDC, "The current estimated risk of it, infected with Impfstoffvirus, after near contact with a person, who is vaccinated with the nasale-Spray-Grippe vaccine, is low, 0.6%-2.4 percent)."
The standard, injectable-Form the flu vaccine is one inactivated, killed, vaccine.
The CDC points out on it that one of both form of the vaccine is acceptable for a nursing mother as you yearn how she/it corresponds to requests to it otherwise to get the vaccine.


IchIch also read that also to your baby are passed the antibodies in the shot will,

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Other Answers (2)

from Mindy W, that I don\'t think, it releases such a matter as preservative. It muß chemicals, to kill about the virus, contains.

through shadowta.... you probably thought, that it was thermisol-frei, the mercury contains.

I cannot see the difference, that it would make for your milk/baby, I think, your baby also gets shots.

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