Wednesday 20 July 2011

Does pregnancy test precision while they nurse?

Does pregnancy test precision while they nurse?

I gave birth 6 1/2 weeks ago, and I nurse. Würde a pregnancy tests, are you exact if I now took it? I let my mirena installed on monday and I need too kow if I am pregnant.

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I didn\'t believe, that it would influence me, but I wanted to be sure. Thanks =,


from Epiphany

Best answer chosen by Asker

No, nursing doesn\'t influence any HPT-Ergebnisse. I had früh on it a positive examination, while I nursed my eldest, & believed maybe, that it was the nursing causing being positive, or maybe the HCG-Hormon of the prior pregnancy still was in my system, but nope, I was pregnant 8 weeks! lol


Mother of two girls, 11 months apart, happened, while nurse!,:)
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks so very much. I took the Prüfung, and I am not pregnant.
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Other Answers (4)

from Betsy Breastfeeding does, nto influences pregnancy examinations, only pregnancy does.

you don\'t cause the results of a pregnancy examination through deanna silence

from mommy to 2 girls 1 boys Breastfeeding doesn\'t cause Prüfungsergebnisse-Sein, as they read in your urine the lot of HCG. The nursing of doesn\'t produces HCG.

from Mandy Breastfeeding would not become besides the being so recently, you give par-hood-does known..., although I believe, that the HCG normally is until over one month from your system.
Will your doctor do a blood, do you test in order to certainly be?
If exclusively you quiet, and is that is the baby so young is your chances of pregnancy quite slim.

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