Wednesday 20 July 2011

How can I stop to nurse?

How can I stop to nurse?

the problem is O.K. i here so, now tried to conciev for then six months and nothing. doctor says, thereß the chance of me concieving during pregnant is, extremly moos, and that, if then wants to become i pregnant, i must stop to work as a nurse,
therefore, how she/it can disaccustom i away. she/it drinks reguläre milk and eats big, but lived, you stop to work as a nurse.
all ideas help become
what worked for you,

Additional details
hmm well before the first time got prego i, my period was, patron would come early 1-2 days or 1-2 late ones, but always was regular
in the last 6 months i had my period once, because is i nursing,

through notch l

Best answer chosen by Asker

Now, it will be more difficult to introduce itself/themselves, while however as a nurse working, it can be done. Therefore, if you want to continue it out working as nurses and wait, you go dafür. The single time certainly is not it, any docs says to work as a nurse, is in pregnancy, that could induce work the stimulation of your nipples, after 20 wks. I, not with him/it, tend but telling only of you all facts, that I weiß, to agree. Also, any docs says, thereß Ihr milk sours, after you became pregnant, and that the nursing child will disaccustom itself. I nursed, until I ungefähr 6 months pregnant was. My nursing child was ungefähr 18 mo, as I started to disaccustom him/it. Für him/it and my body did it VERY slow we. I hörte first with the feeding, that he/it would miss the fewest, on i.e. not naps or bed time, I replaced this in a sippy with milk and did that for week. The nI took out ächste week feeding from the next least important (to him/it) and so on. We needed 6 weeks dafür, because he/it still did 6 times per day as a nurse. And it was at all not difficult on him/it! The last, für us, to go, was bedtime. You of your child\'s age abzuhängen, maybe immediate breakfast with pedisure or carnation wants to supplement in order to make sure weight profit in adequate in her/its/their milk. Natürlich, if she/it is you under 1 years, formula uses d. I wanted 3 months persönlich between it, if my eldest and my newborn drank only at the breast, so that, as the new baby came, didn\'t regress itself my toddler, and wants to work as a nurse as he/it saw the baby do it, and it worked very good for me.
If you need more info, you can inform most hospitals and about its lactation consulant or the le Leache-Verband asks.
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
wow thanks, that was extremly, more helpfully i wants the defently-Versuch.. Hope, that works cus it, we want that our children are aprox 2 years, or less apart and she/it is already 13 months.
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This question over, "how I can stop breas. " was asked on it originally! Answers Canada

Other Answers (4)

through eatme yes, it is difficult in general to introduce itself/themselves while you are pregnant.

Did you think while you are nursing? It is difficult, pregnant to become, während you nursing is, and dort\'s good reason. You/they never should nurse a baby, während you pregnant is, it is healthy for none of you. Indeed, it can quite gefährlich is. Es\'s a good idea, aufzuh,ören, to nurse the baby, who will only simply take time and persistence.

from Amaranth, your daughter is like old? Klänge, as if she/it is a toddler. Children develop während nursing a very near bond with you and you must assume the fact, that it won, is \'t easy and as soon as you make the decision, that you must stick with it. It will be the Besch very muchädigen to you and your child, if you give in, if she/it starts, no one makes available more \'t to cry, because you won, him/it. Know, thereß it tears will give, and cries, pleading and that you will feel guilty over it. also, you know, thereß all parents and the children somehow through it gets. Some people make cold turkey for him/it, and the mother goes away some days long. it takes a very devoted and affectionate daddy and other adults in order to negotiate with the child. However, a bi can thisßchen dramatic is. I hörte once Dr. burns out, you propose that mommies put a small hot sauce on her/its/their nipples in this situation, yes you read right, hot sauce. The child will bring this to not doing want to work as a nurse and you blame free is, although maybe your nipples burn a small one. IhnenIhnen of your child\'s age abzuhängen, must explain maybe, why you can, this makes any more \'t, but if your child is too young that it accustomed to understand, easy is. You/they können uses also a gradual system, where you restricted the time, this is passed out to work as a nurse, and you replace this with some other what you make together, like reading a book, for cuddling, and so on, if your child is capable, that some particular one does of a whole day in order to go, about which to reward and so on. Glück.


the being a mommy.

through ssandyde... troubles you for itself to feed her/it/them instead of more than him/it once per day. as your milk dries up, she/it will be forced to hold. u didn\'t says, how old the child is. hold the vollständig dressed child, but she/it is not sufficiently high "on the breast" you don\'t trade your nipple for a pacifier. stay away from those matters, if can u and itself bemüht, to keep away her/it/them from it, to suck her/its/their thumb. it will take a while, about her/it/them too entwöhnen, but is alone for the time for her/it/them glad, everything will go to early and is sure to involve her/it/them with the new baby if it comes. they pushed everything to often older child feelings, that the new baby of your whole time brings, cos aside. let known her/it/them, thereß she/it become immediately loved both is. Glück

through kbilly, it is not bad or unhealthily for you to work as a nurse while you are pregnant. NOTHING will happen to her/its/their baby, you ask each doctor. Remain only difficult, and it will happen to work it isnt-Geburtenkontrolle as a nurse, it little more heavily only conserves.

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