Wednesday 20 July 2011

Is it cm normally to have fertile seeing, while nursing, and still actually doesn\'t ovulate?

Is it cm normally to have fertile seeing, while nursing, and still actually doesn\'t ovulate?

I had my son 5 . He/it breast ernährt itself only. Over once per month for the last 4 months ich\'ll gets what I think, a couple is days long cervical fertile to a time and every time, that I expected, to get my period, me havent slimy still, so that I didn\'t ovulate none of the times.
Is it CM normally for your body to have fertile seeing, while nursing, and why???? It confuses me. Before I me, that always was felt, had CM and I Hafen\'t, no one had children ever, as I ovulated with ovulation pains and the fertile,
O hurts at all since it, I can ignore CM to become pregnant, so that I assume, the fertile seeing until I get back the ovulation pains to know if I am gotten my period.

through boo, D boos

Best answer chosen by Asker

Cervical Mucous is Progesterone for times a product of the hormone often. The schließt one of "the plugs", if you pregnant and the slimy about the time of your period is.

If you are this on the small pill, while you nurse, increases, your progesterone is only honest so that it can increase also the quantity from it, CM, if you ovulate.

It is normal to lose your period while it nurses. You/they können however still pregnant becomes. Even without the bleeding. His/its simply less likely one, that speaks statistically, but if you land, \'t then wants to become pregnant, you want to use support methods or abstinence.


Experience and much reading of the topic.
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
well, it really didn\'t answer my question. i\'m not on any birth control with all because we plan, as we had a third baby, but prefers würden that it, the didn\'t happen, develops next year, if it was earlier to then happen, we would be enthusiastic
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