Wednesday 20 July 2011

Mothers, that nurse and became pregnant.?

Mothers, that nurse and became pregnant.?

What was some of your symptoms? I muß another week wait before I can test. I am not closed yet my period theück begun, I still nurse. I have a small bißchen ovary pain had and one of my breasts hurts the last couple of the days, as working as nurses, probably undressed, if I am pregnant. You had any obvious symptoms, w,ährend you nursed, before you could test? Thanks!!

from Rosie_08...

Best answer chosen by Asker

My appetite became I over the same moment monstrously concieved! It calmed down after a few weeks, but Vollst were completely those few weeksändigkeit on! I continued, me too ernheads, until my milk, against 16 weeks, dried up, then, my boobs became a little sore for a while. Es\'s almost been 5 months, and my daughter still comes most days theück, to check, only, there is not anything there.
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Other Answers (1)

I knew really not about Jennifer until the nasuea came, and because it the 4. Was once, wußte I only. I continued to work til, that I was pregnant 4 months, as a nurse. You/they shouldn\'t works as a nurse in your third trimester although, because you could sit down in work, if your baby drinks at the breast.

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