Wednesday 20 July 2011

Nursing presently, however, this something, if we become pregnant?

Nursing presently, however, this something, if we become pregnant?

I didn\'t make any research for it, but I wanted to ask about it from there some other mommies, I nurse my 4 mth old presently exclusively and would like to continue as it, you yearn as possible, but if I should become again pregnant, while I still nurse, slim chance, I know, but;
1, would the milk dry up before the end of the pregnancy?
2, would it change nutritionally?
3, could it cause pre-concept birth or a miscarriage since nipple stimulation, does work cause often?
4, would it be the newborn more useful, or to Aiden? , my itself gegenwdoes ärtig nourishing baby, as breast milks, change throughout a birthed-Baby\'s-Entwicklung?

through rainwrit...

Best answer chosen by Asker

11, maybe her/its/their milk supply removes a little one at the end of pregnancy of your body, starts to produce colostrum for your new baby, but it should not dry as it upward, you yearn as you continue to work as a nurse.

2, yes, your milk would become for itself one little nutritionally changes. Her/its/their Körper * becomes you * produces you colostrum for your new baby, and then, you produce full milk again. Breast milks compositionalterations of a very regular basis, in order to equal your child\'s needs. Her/its/their Körper can, through your baby\'s saliva, tells, that which certain components must be adjusted. Her/its/their milk, from him/it, which I understand, will still is für both of your nursing children ideally.

3 no, it won\'t cause any pre-concept work or miscarriage. Nipple stimulation and giveärmutter Zusammenziehungen-Don\'t cause miscarriages anyway, and breast stimulation really causes none uterus contraction on a dangerous level. Yes, it can help, you contractions to ermutigen\'wieder the credit gegenwärtig, if you are in work, but it causes "contractions" near the pre-concept work causes strength nowhere.

4, this is same nice from this as 2. Her/its/their milk becomes both of your nursing children of all the Nährstoffen is included, you need.
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
I didn\'t know that so very much over the saliva matter, thank you for your very informative answer! I schcorrode really all big answers, that I attracted this, * thanks everyone! *
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Other Answers (8)

from Ashley 1. the milk doesn\'t become aufw as itärts dries, you yearn as you still live,
2. none Alteration of nutrition
3. there is only one chance of Vorbegriff, because causes smaller contractions breatfeeding maybe.
4. I knew many women, who nursed her/its/their firstborn, während pregnant with second and had a wonderful pregnancy and healthy newborns, approx 8 women (whom I know) and heard roll out the pretern from one, that actually had. I würde continues to nurse my first, women think only in other Länder-Don\'t even an election has and must do this, and many are fine. You/they will know if you shopuld hält, or your doc will inform you:)

from Jacqui Z, I asked this question my Dr., and he/it said that the milk would dry up because a pregnant woman\'s body goes through many hormonal alterations,...
I was surprised, because my grandmother had my mommy and my uncle together very near, and formula then was not available as everywhere back...

through Jaiden\'s mommy, it is very sure to continue to work as a nurse during pregnancy:)

from Rosie_08... 1. You/they gewannen\'t weiß, whether your milk will dry up, or only when it does, or doesn\'t do, you happen. I dried up against 16 weeks, a friend of me fütterte two through her/its/their third pregnancy.
2. If you still are lactating, fängt it at, to change about 20 Wochen-ish. You/they start to produce again colostrum. Some children place k auf\'tümmert itself and will continue nourishing anyway, some don\'t like the alteration and don\'t disaccustom itself.
3. Through pregnancy, to nurse, only pre-concept birth or miscarriage will initiate if it will happen anyway. If the fetus is planted narrowly \'ll in it, it, is simply fine.
4. Breastmilk is without Rücksicht at the alterations for your children good. Until your second child was born at the moment, Aiden will eat three meals per day and more than still some für the fun of it nurses. Therefore you, that are won, \'t is short Veralters somebody:)

from Sue, I was pregnant while I nursed my older offspring. She/it was her/its/their whole nutrition still gets older and didn\'t from breastmilk, therefore it worked out very healthy.
1. Maybe. It makes für some women and not for others.
2. The milk becomes später colostrum in the pregnancy.
3. Dort\'s no reason, to avoid the nipple stimulation of the quiet, ouchßer if you are in an especially high danger of pre-concept work or miscarriage.
4. ICH\'m not certainly understands the question I, but the milk becomes the Bedürfnissen either offspring corresponds. If Aiden is very young and his/its whole Ernährung from breastmilk (no solids) gets, and IF your milk supply decreases during the pregnancy, then this could be a question.

You/they probably already know this, but women became less likely pregnant if they nurse a child exclusively under 6 months if it is pacifier really exclusive nursing (no artificial nipples), and so on, and the baby frequently drinks at the breast, including with night.


through ketchupk.... you have already some big answers so that I will toss sleeplessly exactly in a \'more personal experience\' and support this web site,:

through lynx

Because of his/its low class hid answer

I read in a book that it is recommended to disaccustom the baby of the breast milk mostly because the energy, that your body uses upward, should really be used for the new baby\'s development in order to create the milk. ICH\'m no doctor so please pulls this before the taking of my advice in Erwägung.

through Mary

Because of his/its low class hid answer

You/they shouldnt does it, because your unborn child very sick and your 4 months could become, old also. if becomes you wanna now pregnant, hören you on, to nurse, or one of both wait develops, baby is on whole milk.

please make it dont.

very risky


RN and mother to three

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