Wednesday 20 July 2011

Only one question about it, to nurse, and sex?

Only one question about it, to nurse, and sex?

This is only one question about experiences. They asked like many women ICH\'m used birth control, w,ährend he/it nursed? It worked für you? Like many of you, it became pregnant, während using of bc and the credit of sex? Like many of you, nursing became pregnant only without protection? Did you get a period? Experiences please! Thanks!

from OwieDoki...

Best answer chosen by Asker

We used, condoms, while I was BFing, were I on the minipill, but became from mine WHETHER said, he/it is, was not completely reliable, except if you took it exactly to the same time (within 15-30 minutes) daily and found, that to be nearly impossible with a newborn. I caught regul as welleras cycles back at, as my baby was 16 weeks, therefore I, that want to take advantage of all chances, wasn\'t. My best friend didn\'t use any protection, w,ährend she/it nursed, she/it became pregnant the same month, she/it got back for her first menstruation, baby was 10 months.
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Other Answers (3)

from Pippin, we used condoms while I nursed.

Regular birth control pills, combination pills, are not application-capable while they nurse,; she/it will dry up your milk. You/they können progstin only birth control uses, and, used correctly, es\'s very effectively however, as all methods, not 100 percent.

But nursing doesn\'t make any form of the birth control too less efffictive any.

from Uliahs14... we used condom during its quiet..... this way certainly should be you & without any worry..

through sevenofu... I is mommy to 4. I breast fütterte each of my babies for it, to change lengths of the time from 3 months, - 14 months. With my first 3, as of Brustf Iütterung was that I didn\'t bring birth control pills. My husband and I used condoms until each of the babies, became entwöhnt complete. I continued, birth control pills, to take 3 after the first, and my husband got a vasectomy after the 4. Yes, using of condoms, w,ährend breast feeding as birth control for us worked. Our 4. Baby was, you actually introduce yourself, as I 11 years long birth control pills zuverlässig took. I didn\'t have any pills vermißt or had taken each medication, that would have interfered with the pill, \'s-Effektivität. I hadn\'t had even all Kämpfe from handing over or diarrhea. The single Erklärung was that my doctor has that I was, that "happily" 1 percent these done birth control pills 99 percent effective. Our small one(s) Surprise was carried as our older children were 18, 15 and 12. As far as periods während breast feeding, for me I didn\'t gets a period again, until my babies were no more breast feeding.

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