Wednesday 20 July 2011

Period two weeks late, when nursing still, not pregnant?

Period two weeks late, when nursing still, not pregnant?

Good day,

I wanted to hear only about her/its/their cycles from other nursing mothers. Mine is regulit been är, because my twins were 16 weeks old, I, happily I, know right!!!), they now are 15 months old, and my period late is two weeks. I have some Heimatschwangerschaftsprüfungen and a blood examination, taken that is finished negative. ICH\'m, he/it only is surprised if each other found out a second absence of your period, während nursing? Is it even brought in connection with nursing??? the single one Alteration, that I had done recently, was my calorie reception to be reduced, but not drastic. I had 20 pounds aufw since my 6 weeks of checkärts lost and then plateaued, so I decided that I had to do somewhat more. I have more Früchte and vegetables and less empty calories eaten. IchIch still consumes ungefähr 2,000 calories per day, and some days, I fall from the vehicle and consume more a quantity.

Does everyone have any ideas?

through Rae\'s mom

Best answer chosen by voters

My period was THEREFORE brought in disorder as I nursed. I würde periods miss, they late would be days or weeks, sometimes, I got in 2 in one month. As soon as I attracted birth control, not the small pill, that is the single B.C., that you take, können, if you nurse, but it didn\'t regulate any hormones your period \'t in it, so that it won, my periods started, every month to relative the same time, to come. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (1)

from Rwebgirl, that is normal, while nursing. You/they are probably gotten your period soon.

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