Wednesday 20 July 2011

Can I take particular strength paracetamol while I nursed?

Can I take particular strength paracetamol while I nursed?

I, that was pregnant as i, that you could take, resembling, if they nurse, likes be go 500mg and this only more normally para on the prerequisite. ImIm house have only special St weärke, because my boyf thats of all, which they had in the business, says... she/it is aspirin 200mg paracetamol ...300mg and 45g caffeine... I can take her/it/them or not... i has sicky-Kopfschmerzen dreadful!

through IBCLC & nurse JC

Best answer chosen by Asker

Aspirin becomes during lactation, that thinks, that it is not far too sure, a L3 assessed. Caffeine is rated L2, sure. The paracetamol is a L1, the most certainly,

Dr. Hales, medications and the milk of mother,


Lactation advisors
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This question about "can, that I bring addition str. " was asked on it originally! Answers unified Königreich

Other Answers (1)

through food\'s C yes, you can. Go only easily on it, the aspirin is avoided the best in general, but if your headaches then are so bad, thereß it won, \'t hurt your baby to take some.


/ health/meds/pain.

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