Wednesday 20 July 2011

Cat crates, while nursing?

Cat crates, while nursing?

Do I know that you should not clean her/it/them, while pregnant because of the toxoplasmosis, that something over, as nursing? I Hafenhörte \'t?

from JustMe

Best answer chosen by Asker

That is my story, and I stick with it!

I don\'t have any idea, if it is dangerous, but my husband believes that it is. lol,
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Asker \'s Comment:
Now, I got to see if I can convince mine, that it is dangerously!!!:, D

I, that you should not do it, know during preggers.
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Other Answers (3)

you can clean the cat crate of Britney Actually while you must take only special precautions pregnant.
Like taking of it outdoors and carrying of a mask and gloves, during doing of it.
You/they can also clean it while you nurse. It is okay. If you still are uncertain, you ask the doctor for pacification =,

from Melissa S, It is no more a question after the baby was born even if you nurse.

ETA: Haha, I wish that my husband would have bald mountain for it. I am closed cat crate duty every other week theück.


Nursing of mommy with 4 cats

from Pippin, It doesn\'t get into the breastmilk. , Natürlich Sie\'ll wants to wash you the hands after he/it handled the waste,

, But hello.. if you can use as an excuse to get hubby to clean the cat crate, you go for it!)

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