Wednesday 20 July 2011

Could percocet taking, blocks your baby during nursing?

Could percocet taking, blocks your baby during nursing?

Before the judging of me, you please first listen to my story. Während pregnant with my son i sustainted a dreadful one behind injury after sliding this in the air of going and landing on my back. I broke my sacrum and have remaining be annoying damage as well as a wölbende disk. I nursed exclusivley, and i my first offspring, she/it wants to do resembling with my second child, like i weiß, it is better for the baby. I tried to take the pain only and to take none, type of pain meds however him/it was simply unerträglich, and i could not work. The Schmerz-managment-Arzt, in the i sees, said me, it was sure, that to bring percoset and ibuprophen 600 mg, während it nursed. I weiß this constipation in a big side-effect of the emotions most people, who take it. it did me the inducing of me very congested, a stool softner with it to müssen takes. My baby suffered constpation from heavy since birth. I only am surprised if I, that was the percoset, the cause dafür takes? I am no längere breast feeding therefore and now gives to him/it nutrimegen-Formel, and he/it is not blocked longer. Now fühlt itself i dreadful, because induced him/it i-Gefühl like i to be sick. The doctor i sees, my first election is not, but i muß she/it uses, as she/it is the doctor, for who workers pay comp. She/it gave me the Irreführen from information
: (

from Elena Fields

Best answer chosen by voters

I know how you feel. IchIch had a c-Teil as I gave birth, and she/it würden me the pain medication against the hospital direct gives, before I became be quiet in order to help with the pain with it, I with what home did.

My daughter was blocked and went through dreadful departures. My doctor swore, thereß she/it O.K. with me taking of oxycodone and ibuprophen however all I, that am informed about it, would be after said I home otherwise came.

Don\'t thrash yourself over it, you took medical advice, and it is not be our blame, that this happened, everything, which you, now move at it, can do, because itself to thrash over it, not right is. Plus Babys-Spitzhacke on on our moods and you place auf\'t wants, thereß Ihr son upward on it picks on, particularly, because it is something, which you could not help, and you now make matters different. 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (3)

Ellen Constipation won\'t tell about as a possible infant side-effect of a mother, that takes percocet. My supposition is, thereß the baby difficulties with something in your food, maybe dairy, the most ordinary perpetrator, had.


Hospital IBCLC and the group leader of mothers 20+ years
Mommy to 3

through webjnke1 as my wife percocet took, she/it didn\'t get any diarrhea, but it made her/it/them sick, (vomit), every time if she/it took one. I place wei auf\'tß, whether she/it would be allergic to it or something.

from JVVB Do, you don\'t worry about people, that you for the meds takes judges, while you nurse. The people, who judge, are probably not trained on the relationship between medications and breast milk, and probably place auf\'t recognizes, thereß almost all mothers after birthing meds for pain is given, nursing or not. There was actually an article, thereß I this today read, gives at the drugs made rules the "most to the nursing mother should not have any outer effect on infant welfare. In the article erklärt it also, that all medications against any degree will transfer to your breastmilk, but in the VAST-Mehrheit of the cases, the quantity, that transfers, is normally less as 1 percent of the maternal dose. It gives to the Gr alotünde, why your infant finds out constipation, it is not uncommon. Breast always is the best, no formula can the benefits of ausschlie for youßlichem silence give. Nursing ausschließlich for the first 6 months of your Kindes\'s-Leben has huge benefits of your baby\'s healthy development, as well as profits also for you! Nursing simply places, actually moves chemical and hormone levels in your Körper at that eases pain and burden it can reduce some cancers, there are therefore many benefits. I think, there, To nurse ß Ihre baby power, the constipation doesn\'t cause that maybe it actually helps with the constipation. If you have none more questions, or worries land, \'t Zögert, to inform a health care pro! Hope, thereß this helps,...


Wenner, L. (2007) worry of the nursing mother in medically-surgical areas. Medsurg Nursing (2(16).

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