Wednesday 20 July 2011

Does nursing brand make you for hold, that ovulates?

Does nursing brand make you for hold, that ovulates?

I had a beautiful baby boy only 3 weeks ago. I love him/it and wouldn so sehr\'t is untreast, if I became again pregnant very soon. HI, while you nurse, almost am u örte like the being on birth control.. is so true?? I actually pumps, not actual feeding.. he/it wouldn\'t-Klinke. but I pump every 3-4 hours and milk, production is groß. Anyways can become I pregnant, if I ungeschütztes sex has??

through storm V

Best answer chosen by Asker

The totals cannot become pregnant while breast feeding history is a myth. It doesn\'t hält the ovulation process at. You/they still are fähig, pregnant, to become.
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Other Answers (3)

through hello is not resembling they mom pumps as care and will reduce the effectiveness of the lactational amenorrhea-Methode for birth control.

For women, who meet the criterions, presented below, LAM is 98 percent - 99.5 percent effective during the first six months postpartum. [1]
Nursing must be the infant single, or almost only, sources of the nutrition. With the Füttern from formula, pumping instead of the nursing[2], and, to feed solids everything, the effectiveness of LAM reduces.
The infant must during the day and at least every six hours with night at least every four hours nurses.
The infant must be less as six months old.
The mother didn\'t need to have any period after nach-partum 56 days, as deciding of fertility, becomes nach-partum-Dose 56 days ago to bleed, ignores.

and more:

Nursing must be the infant\'s single source of the nutrition. no formula, none pump, and, if the Säugling less as six months old is, no solids or the water with all.
The infant must be calmed down with the breast, not with pacifiers or bottles or through placing a finger into the mouth.
The infant frequently must be nursed. The standards für LAM are a bare minimum; bigger frequency is better. Sucking should not-nourishing suction einschließen, if the infant marks the mother and nurses not only as a means of the nutrition. From Fütterungen, to begin, is irreconcilable with LAM.
MütterMütter must practice safe co sleeping, as it is the child\'s proximity to the mother, who increases prolactin.
Mothers don\'t need to be separated from her/its/their infants. This schließt substitute for mother like babysitter and even stroller or still something, who comes between mother, one and physically you turn with her/its/their child. BabywearingBabywearing (using material messengers) means tangible stimulation between mother and child and increases, you grab to the breast. Every separation of the mother becomes the effectiveness decreases ecological breast feeding.
Mothers must take daily naps with her/its/their infants.
A mother didn\'t need to have any period after nach-partum 56 days to bleed nach-partum-Dose 56 days ago, is ignored.


from JustMe, I would take the trouble on an undressed note every day to get him/it on your breast and see, if he/it will snap because your milk production will fall to any point on the pump. It is unlikely, thereß you capable, to continue, to pump concept and to feed long, will be,...

but that I nurse aside, and my period returned with 6 months as he/it started, every day, to get solid meal.

Enjoy your baby! Don\'t becomes again too früh pregnant. It makes it only more complicated with more babies. Trust me. Geniusßen you the baby, for who you have a while, only.


Mommy of twins, who were 20 months old, as my son was born.

from Armeebraut Sein not foolproof, but if you nurse upon request, I am over pumping and achieving your baby almost all the time of you not too certainly, including co asleep, you are very much very unlikely, pregnant to come again in the first 6 months or every time if the baby starts to sleep through the night or to eat solids.

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