Wednesday 20 July 2011

O.K. with it i is a nursing mommy to a 8 mo old, begin my cycle like 2 months, after she/it had been born.?

O.K. with it i is a nursing mommy to a 8 mo old, begin my cycle like 2 months, after she/it had been born.?

However, my last period was i in late Nov, had since then not one. I don\'t have any symptoms to be pregnant. But i has spätere night feedings made as normal and i constricted, while they live. And the Fühlen very lethargic she/it as a nurse worked. Könnte, my period goes again i only away because of nursing, you know that all women don\'t have a cycle while they nurse, and i took 3 pregnancy examinations, all the negation. What do you do, do mommies think?


Best answer chosen by Asker

It lasted months, in order to get a period, for me and I gave up to months one. It came schließlich back, but.

I read, and tell that it can last until two years in order to go back to a regular cycle after birth.
You/they probably are not pregnant, I would believe that it is irregularity only maybe.
Take the trouble to accelerate the pill to help to regulate your cycles, small pill, if you still nurse.

If you are still concerned, maybe a blood examination calms down your mind.
Asker \'s Rating:
Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks to thanks go this more exactly hlepful, and i to confirm to the doctor that is not i. I needed this addition pacification! Only not ready, to only have another baby. Mommy of a 3 1/2 and 8 mo old! Beschäftigen you Enough! But I love every moment!
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Other Answers (1)

from Pixie Are you, that sufficiently still eat and drink? Sometimes we, to nurse mommies, becomes before our diätgemäßen needs one little foully or only forgets you, that the body burns approximately 8000 calories per day in order to produce milk for our babies.

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